Thursday, July 3, 2014

Ramadan 2014 Day 5 - Thursday, July 3

No lesson to be learned. 

I wanted to announce this straight off the bat in case you were dying to know.  It seems only right to be forthright.

Today was fine.  No issues.  Things at work went pretty smooth (still hectic but smooth).  Everyone was generally in a good mood because after all it’s the day before a holiday and this usually means early dismissal.  This proves that all of us adults have a bit of childishness in us because as soon as we are made aware that we can leave by 3, the intellectual parts of our brains shut off while the kid within starts jumping up and down clapping with glee.  My company is sly though.  The HR Manager and my boss didn’t come by to tell us that we could leave until about 2:30ish guaranteeing that they received the maximum amount of work product that they could squeeze out of us.  Evil geniuses.

And boy o boy, did the office clear out.  Like one minute we were all chillaxing in the common area and the next, crickets.  I, unfortunately, stood outside my office confused.  K, my super boss, saw the expression on my face and inquired.  I told him that I have work to do.  So the smartbutt says in a voice that practically dripped condescension (good humored still), “you have internet at home, right?”  Yea, yea, I got it. 

I left after grabbing my belongings, not having to be told twice.  The unfortunate part has been that I’ve been firmly parked at my computer since coming home, still responding to clients and working on deliverables that are due today.  I could get depressed about this but it could be worse and I could be at work itself.  Shoot, I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth (in case you ever wondered, much like myself, where this particular phrase came from, check this out…warning I’m about to drop a knowledge bomb on you…'t_look_a_gift_horse_in_the_mouth, and you’re welcome, too.)

Moving right along, so I was sitting here drafting this entry and it hit me, I’m wrong.  I did learn something after all.  Here it is:


What am I grateful for?  Obviously there’s the regular stuff…health, wealth, a home, a job, my family and loved ones, blah, blah, blah.  I’ve written about these things at length and many, many times no less.  These blessings I am grateful for all the time but sometimes I need prompting to sufficiently remember.

Here’s what reminded me today:

A colleague was sent home…on a perm basis.  One minute he had a job, the next, nothing.  The company had reasons; I do not need to go into that.  Nor will I speak ill of the person in question.  He was a good guy and I legit liked him.  He always had a nice thing to say to me, always made me laugh and always lent a hand when I needed it.  He had (has) a fantastic sense of humor that’s so deadpan that I could totally relate.  Maybe though, he made some poor choices that caught up to him, maybe he needed to be let go so he could get himself together...I don’t know and frankly I don’t care.  I choose to remember him as a fairly cool guy…period.  Hopefully he learned a lesson, I pray to Allah (swt) for him and his future success.

But as I sit here secure in my own employment (Alhamdulillah) and bright future (Inshallah) with a company that I honestly love (once again Alhamdulillah) and a new profession that I am embracing fully, I can’t help but remind myself that I need to thank Allah (swt) every single day.

Having suffered the harshness of being unemployed before, I can most certainly sympathize with his anger/pain/fear.  I remember only too well how I felt, what I went through and more importantly, how depressed I became, worse off for him though, this came just before a holiday, so he has 3 days in which to feel like…crap.  I’m not assuming this is how he will feel, I know.  Again, I’ve been there. 

So yes, the lesson is to be grateful even more for all that God has bestowed upon me and quit griping about the small things such as too much work, bad commuting traffic, crappy coffee (hey right now, I’d be super thankful if I could have any sort of coffee at all!), etc. 

Truth:  my very life is a gift.  Every morning I get up, is a special gift from God to me.  And every moment that I still have my family and friends surrounding me are a present from the Almighty because the awful fact is, anything can happen to anyone at any time.  If I can remember this, even when I’m at my wits end, I think I can get by and possibly be a better person for it.

Okay I’m off.  Not sure if I’ll have much of an interest to post anything over the holiday (for those who do not reside in the USA, it’s the 4th of July, Independence Day…wait, did I already mention this?).  I mean hopefully I’ll be doing something fun (but knowing me, probably not). ßThere’s my excuse so when I show back up with the next entry after missing several days, you won’t wonder what happened, nor will I have to explain myself. 

Win win!

Happy 4th y’all!!!!!  May Allah (swt) Bless America!!!

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