Monday, July 14, 2014

Ramadan 2014 Day 13, 14 and 15, July 11th thru July 13th

This simply cracked me up and has no connection to the blog topic.

And I’m back (again)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, busy, busy weekend with hardly any rest in sight.  And um, did anyone at all note how steamy it’s been?  I’m not trying to sound like an ingrate but well…I almost long for the winter, ALMOST!  Now, Mother Nature doesn’t have to go listening to this wistful musings, when she didn’t during the coldest days a few months ago and I had been longing for warmth.

Moving right along, let’s recap the past few days.

Friday:  Busy

Saturday:  Busy

Sunday:  Busy

There you go.  To sum it up, every day was busy.  Got the general theme here?

But since this month has been all about learning or teaching, then let’s break some of it down to see if I managed to do either things. 

A few days ago one of my blog followers (and besties) mentioned that my daily ramblings about Ramadan have been used well by her.  How so?  I think she mentioned how two people were having a conversation about the holy month and she corrected a few wrong assumptions.  I mentioned this exchange (between my girl S and myself) to my other friend/bestie, N, and she responded quite matter-of-factly, its huge blessings to spread knowledge about Islam.  Huh, really?  I honestly did not know.

Folks, there are things I do on purpose that I know is scoring me huge brownie points with the Almighty.  But I will admit for the most part, I don’t go around trying to find every op to make the scale tip to the side of a free ticket into heaven.  I basically go about every single day simply trying to be a “good person” (whatever the definition of that is), staying sane (doesn’t always happen) and resist the urge to bodily harm another (believe me, this one is a toughie).  That’s good, right?  And if you don’t know me at all, know that one of my greatest joys is my blog.  I’ve been in love with writing for as long as I can remember and therefore blogosphere was predestined in many ways.  But the fact that it has become a vehicle to imparting knowledge about my religion beyond amusing tales and antidotes is somehow surprising to me.  The very fact that anyone in the world can walk away from reading me saying, ‘oh I didn’t know that…alright,’ wasn’t really consciously what I was intending to do.  I’m a story teller, I tell stories, that’s the whole of it.

I must admit I’m delighted by what S and N told me.  If my words have communicated some sort of clarity regarding Islam, Muslim’s and the reality that is the everyday life of a follower, then so be it.  All I want to prove in my writing is that in a world where we are so very intent and focused upon borders, difference and hatred, I’m just attempting to prove that we are all the same, really and truly.  More importantly, I would like to showcase that even Muslim’s struggle with fasting, even while we’re doing it, which makes us human.  If you think it’s hard, well it is but faith is an amazing thing, it helps us do a myriad of different things and overcome breathtaking difficulties.  To that effort, may Allah (swt) guide my keyboard and may I never misrepresent…Inshallah.  (Hark, would this be categorized as a ‘lesson’?)

What else happened this weekend?  Hmmm, well I went shopping for Eid.  The holiday is now 15 days away (whoop whoop) and just like Christians before Christmas, we are also in the midst of preparations and gift buying.  Not to say there’s a rule anywhere that you must exchange gifts (just like during Christmas there isn’t either), we do it anyhow.  The only true Quranic rule, as you can say, is that we are to wear clean new clothes (I should double check if it needs to be new or just clean).  Anyhow, the gift giving is usually restricted to clothing, given to family members.  I do dole out gifts to friends but those are more tokens than anything else.  The big majority of the spending though is in the apparels.  Doesn’t seem like a big honkin’ deal because after all there are stores everywhere.  Your assumption would be incorrect if you only take into account my culture.

And if you hadn’t noticed, I don’t live in a country where every other store sells Indian clothes which means whatever I purchase is limited in availability and at such an astronomical prices that I go slightly light-headed whenever I venture even close to the stores.  The rest of my family sorta lucks out on this because for the most part someone or another from each household takes a trip back to Bdesh yearly or every two years, hauling back with them clothes that they stealthy put away till the occasion arises and then whips them out.  I, on the other hand, haven’t gone back in approximately 8 years, so no Bueno.  Still the joy that is reflected upon the receivers face makes me happy in-turn, eliminating the burden of expense and difficulty in a flash.  My bank account may not be happy, but my soul is and I am a firm believer that if you give, you get blessings in return.  Sounds like a win-win situation to me.  J  (Pray tell, could this be another realization?)

I was out and about on Saturday, panting and nearly fainting with heat and exhaustion as I was armed with a list 30 people long.  Yikes.  Age, size, taste, style, all needed to be taken into account and yes, it was as stressful as heck.  And I am not that type of gift giver that picks up whatever and assumes that the receiver should be grateful for the thought.  Yeah, no.  I want the person to like the present (if not love) and preferably, use it.  Go figure, I’m loony like that, eh?  And I absolutely refuse to put myself into debt in order to impress anyone, ever.  I used to and that was foolish.  I quickly realized that this was a futile effort to begin with.  I shouldn’t have to buy love.  And whether you spend $5 or $500 on a gift, what difference does it make?  Truly, does the thought not matter?  The intention should be enough, that’s just my two cents.  (This most certainly is not something new, so not really a lesson learned.)

I usually walk away every year though from this particular shopping expedition swearing that next year, I’ll order everything online.  But then I think, well these stores count on consumers like myself to walk through their doors and buy their goods so that they can pay their mortgage and feed their families and it’s not just the store owner themselves, but the workers.  If I didn’t patron their establishment then those folks wouldn’t have a job, right?  And then our economy will begin to tank, the unemployment rate would start to rise, and…you get my meaning, yes?  And therefore whereas online shopping would be easier and cheaper, I still drive my starving bootay to the store which is about an hour drive away to buy something(s) that is super inflated in price for my awesome family.  I can deal with that.

P will have absolutely nothing to do with this trip saying that he trusts me because I have better taste than him.  Mhmm, more like “I don’t want to go shopping, you do it.”  He just is much too big a wimp to actually say those words out loud because he knows I’ll knock his block off.

I was pleased with myself by the time I got home laden down with bags full of goodies.  There is something about that certain feeling of accomplishment that keeps one glowing with pride for at least hours afterwards.  And the bonus?  I had the opportunity to see my besties for a few hours, break bread with them, sit, laugh, talk, laugh more, and just enjoy a few stolen hours.  It was completely unexpected and after months of attempting to get together, this was a total treat.

Sunday I cooked, of course, and watched the World Cup Soccer final: Argentina vs. Germany.  Now this is actually a sensitive subject for me, and rather emotion filled.  You wouldn’t think I’m such a big soccer fan if you ran into me on the street.  Heck you wouldn’t even go as far as to assume that I’m into any sorts of sports but in reality, I am.  No, I do not like to actually play a sport, don’t misunderstand, but I can watch and admire and root.  And futbol?  I can’t emphasis enough how much I j’adore the sport and if you think it’s because of the hot guys running around in shorts?  Then you would be…almost wrong.  I mean one should always appreciate God’s handiwork, shouldn’t one?

But otherwise, it’s all about the skill and stamina of the sports.  Sure it can be filled with the ridiculous, but which sport isn’t?  You have 11 guys running in all types of weather straight up for 90 minutes and if no score?  Then up to 120 minutes without the clock stopping.  And if you think it’s not a full contact sport, watch again.  You will realize it’s hazardous, dangerous and can cause some serious damage.  One goes through a range of emotions by simply watching and yes, aside from the USA, the rest of the whole wide universe is all about some futbol, as I am.  Like 4 years ago, I pretty much watched every game regardless of whether I supported the teams playing or not.

This year the USA played well but not well enough to advance past the semi-finals however they played better than anyone could anticipate.  Tim Howard, for those of you who live under a rock he was the goalie and a total beast.  Frankly, if not for him, it wouldn’t have been Brazil which would have been laughed out of the WC due to a shocking 7 goals against them during one game.  Just sayin’.

And as we watched, Germany trooped through with military precision and talent.  This super able team deserved to be in the finals.  And Argentina?  Well I’ve been supporting this team since the days of Diego Maradona.  A colleague at worked once asked me who I supported and why.  I told him, and since I have several ‘favorites’, he started to throw questions at me regarding whether I was a band-wagoner.  I assured him why I wasn’t and that as for Argentina; my love for the team came from my family, the mother ship…Bangladesh.  Did you know that Bangladeshi’s are fanatical supporters of Argentina?  If you didn’t, now you know.

The final score was 1-0 Germany.  The game was well matched, both teams giving as good as they got.  A lot of people assumed that the Germans would wipe the field with the Argentinian boys, but that’s not how it played out.  It was a well fought battle with a goal being given at the 115th minute, just short of a shoot-out, but definitely into the 2nd 15 minute overtime.  A lot of my fellow Facebook friends were commenting, after the fact, on how boring the game was.  With all due respect, they are WRONG.

The lack of frequent goals hardly equates to a boring game.  In soccer there shouldn’t be a lot of goals, in soccer the goals should be defended and if both teams are worth their salt, then it will remain so with may be one or two goals, possibly a tie.  Frankly, this game was everything that I had hoped it would be and I give mad props to the Latin American team for putting up a good fight but someone has to be the winner and this time, the glory went to Germany.  Bravo, now get the heck outta the Amazon!

I suppose I may have realized a few things through the weeks.  I’m struggling a bit with the lessons though because as I mentioned before, lessons are often learned through introspection.  And sometimes, one doesn’t simply want to look into themselves.  I’ve still tried to do my best.

There is one more thing I want to reveal to you, my readers, before signing off.  Although I’ve promised to be open and honest on my blog, I also write towards an audience, an audience which includes my family and friends.  Should this fact stop me from writing all my feelings openly, no, that’s not how it should be, I suppose.  One should put it all out there, the good, the bad, and the stupid if one is going to step into such a public forum.  I haven’t totally done that.  I have a lot of things that are within me that I’m simply not willing to share.  Those thoughts remain deeply rooting inside of me and I’m blessed to have friends who I can turn to share. 

Why am I even writing this out?  Because if you were wondering where the ‘spice’ of my blogs may be, well, don’t be looking too hard, I always plan to keep a bit back, to repress a bit of me while I try to reveal as much as possible.  If after reading this you want to stop ‘following’ my blog, then by all means you should, but for now this is how it will be.

Anyway, I’m out and as usual, Happy Ramadan-ing : )

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