Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Ramadan 2014 Day 10 – Tuesday, July 8

Note:  The picture above has nothing to do with this blog but it’s HILARIOUS hence I use it.  Don’t question the workings of a demented mind.

Today I’ve struggled, a lot.  I woke up this morning and was immediately hit with a tidal wave of nausea and dizziness.  I somehow stumbled to the bathroom and drank a big glass of water without thinking hence bringing my fast to an abrupt end.  Just so you know, if you do happen to accidently consume something, it doesn’t immediately null and void your fast.  However, after fighting days of the same symptoms, I realized that today wasn’t going to happen.  Believe me, the decision not to fast is by no means an easy one.  And the guilt is extreme.  It doesn’t matter to me that with a valid excuse one can make up a fast later, I just simply can’t stop feeling bad about it nonetheless and almost consume the bare minimum throughout the day just to lessen it. 

You’ve heard of Jewish guilt, right?  Well it’s nothing compared to Muslim guilt, believe you me.

I’m glad I did not keep it because throughout my normal routine of getting ready; I actually had to sit down a few times.  My blood sugar level was bottoming out, clearly. Before you even ask, yes, I did eat the late night meal so I don’t know why, it’s best not to ask. 

But in hindsight, I may as well have fasted for how things went for the rest of the day.

I got to work with a bit more energy and coffee in my hand, although the dizziness was still slightly present, lurking at the edges of my consciousness.  (Let me take a moment to say I’m sorry to those who are fasting and reading this but I have to be honest on my blog, if nowhere else.  I assure you, my Brother and Sister, if I ran into you on the street and knew you were observing, I would break my neck in trying to hide the beverage but what’s the point in lying on a blog?)  I won’t lie, I’ve been concerned about these spells and have considered going to the docs to get a physical.  This is an extreme thought for the likes of me since I loathe doctors (another apology to my friends who are indeed in the medical profession, j’adore you all!!! *hearts and flowers*).  But this decision does give you insight into how bad things have been.

I walked through the front doors of work, heading to my office when I spied two doors down one of my colleagues.  I lifted up a finger in indication that I would need a minute, settled things into my space, and headed back out to join her.  She was loitering in front of another friend’s office.  I had some apologizing to make for my uber quiet behavior the day before.  As I mentioned, I’ve been fairly unsocial and these two ladies in particular are very close to me at work.  Ignoring them is usually not an option, not even in my fantasies but they must have realized that I needed space yesterday and gave it to me.  But before I could say a word, my friend S gave me a look that stopped me short and made me go “uh oh, what’s wrong”.  She whispered, “I think I’m having a mild heart attack”. 

Normally this sort of announcement would have a person shriek in panic.  Not me.  I don’t shriek, not even at bugs.  I looked back at her with my face almost impassive and asked matter-of-factly, “and you need me to take you to the hospital.”  It wasn’t a question.

“Yes, please.”  She whispered back with a small smile, and I gave her one in return.

Long story short, she waited for nearly another 3 hours before deciding that she really needed to go.  I was on my way out to pick up some food, because the shaking had started again, and popped my head into my boss’s office where I knew she would be in a meeting.  I asked her if she was okay, told her I was headed for lunch, asked her if she wanted anything and then…ratted her out to our mutual supervisor by saying casually “she’s not feeling great, you should ask her about it.”  Then I promptly shut the door closed to the sounds of her exasperated sigh. 

Anyhow I never got a chance to get lunch.  I got half way up the street when I received her phone call asking me to come back.  I pivoted without hesitation, ignoring the hunger pangs and dizziness.  I’m glad I did too.

Did she have a heart attack?  No.  After hours in the emergency room, the doctor determined that whereas she hadn’t had a heart attack, there was indeed wrong and she needed to consult with a cardiologist.  During those long hours of waiting for the reports to come back, she and I chatted, I made her laugh and a friendship strengthened.  I sent a message out on FB asking for prayers and received, in turn, tons of them for her.  A few commented that she was lucky to have a friend like me.

To be honest, these statements slightly stumped me.  I don’t think of myself as a particularly fantasimo friend simply because I was willing to take another friend to the hospital when in need.  Isn’t that basically…the right thing to do?  How can that be so awesome?  Or even noteworthy? 

At one point while I was there the HR Director (who I was sending updates to) emailed me and said it was nice that I had taken her but shouldn’t feel obligated to stay.  Okay, I rarely if ever do anything out of pure obligation.  To me that’s no way to live and no one deserves it either because the word itself indicates a sense of burden.  She, nor any of my friends or family, has ever been a burden to me.  If I do something it is out of pure love and caring, period, dot, end of story, come again, bye bye.  If I do not want to do something, guess what?  I don’t.  And additionally, I expect nada in return.  I severely dislike those individuals who go around doing good deeds with the expectancy of getting the same back in return later and worst of all?  Brings up said good deeds every opportunity they get.  Ugh, give it a rest!

Eventually her husband arrived and I slipped out quietly.  During my commute I texted her with an “I heart you” and she texted back with “I heart you too and thank you for being here for me”.  I pondered that for a minute thinking that it was very nice to be needed and more importantly, trusted.  That’s not easy to come by, not that I know of and not in this pessimistic world. 

Anyhow, en-route to work I was in a cab where the Brazil vs Germany WC semifinal game was blaring from the radio.  The cabbie and I were discussing it and within seconds of me getting in, Germany made their second goal.  Not surprising in the least, what a beast of a team.  When I got to my destination, I ran into the local pizza joint to pick up a soda (no, the shakes hadn’t stopped and my blood sugar was pretty pissed at me), then I made a pit stop at the ladies room and finally carved a beeline for the conference room to see what the score was.  In those 15 minutes the score was 5-0 Germany.  WOW.  Epic fail.  And for those who live under a rock, the final score was 7-1 Germany. 

I didn’t leave to go home till pretty late since I had spent the day at the hospital and had stacks of projects to address and once home I was exhausted.  I still hadn’t consumed a morsel, nor managed to take more than one sip of the soda I had purchased.  Weak and still quite woozy, I watched the clock not sure what I was waiting for, maybe Iftar?  And then I received sad news about a family member.  It’s not information I wish to share, it’s private but it saddened me greatly and hit me like a ton of bricks.  I couldn’t (can’t) fathom what the people in question were (and are) going through but my prayers are with them.  Since receiving this news, my heart has been heavy.  Now don’t go feeling bad for me, this isn’t about me, it’s about them and that’s how it should stay. 

Sigh, yes, it was a long day full of ups and downs.  Mostly downs, if one really thinks about it.  To top it off I have been fighting this sadness that has stuck with me like curry on rice (with chicken and potatoes…mmmmm) for a few weeks.  I’ve tried to stave off the feeling of depression, being overwhelmed and breaking down.  I feel like I have to stay resilient instead of retreating under a blanket and hiding out from the world.  Withdrawing is not acceptable.  I am expected to always be ‘on’ or so I’ve been told.  So retreating?  Yea, that’s not a possibility, I suppose.  The only consolation I can give myself these days is that others (I’ve given you two good example of who these ‘others’ are above) are facing much larger and graver problems. 

I should zip it and suck it up.

Anyhow, it’s late.  I’m once again sleepless and full of insomnia (if that’s possible).  I used to love nighttime and now I dread it because it heralds in quiet thoughts.  I don’t like to be left alone with my thoughts anymore. 

On a different note, I’ve been thinking about Zumba classes.  Remember I wrote a list of things that I could do around these parts?  Well I’ve managed to whittle that list down to two things:  Zumba and painting.  Yes, I’m sure a lot of you are shocked, or maybe rolling your eyes.  That’s fine, oh doubtful ones, its fine.  I shall prove you wrong.  Unfortunately this can’t happen until after Ramadan is over (picture me trying to Zumba it up whilst fasting…not a pretty one, eh?).  Actually, right after Ramadan and I mean like the next day, I’m flying out to Seattle to attend a friend’s wedding so I guess Zumba will be pushed back another week.

You would be right if you vaguely recall me writing a few blog entries about Seattle approximately a year ago, because indeed I was there, for another friend’s wedding.  I’m not sure what sort of funky conspiracy my buddies are concocting against me but they all seem to love going and getting hitched clear on the opposite side of this particular landmass which in essence is clearing out not only my bank account but also my PTO.  No, I ain’t bitter…much.

So yea, after I get back from Seattle (and borrowing a popular saying from my generation) it’s on like Donkey Kong!  I also seriously need to distract myself…like seriously before all my blogs become sad pathetic mournful stories about my super depressing existence and how I want to be run over by a stamped of bearded goats (not really but the visual is pretty funny, you got to admit).

Anyhow, time to hit the sack. 

Night, night, Crickets.  Happy Fasting J

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