Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Ramadan 2014 Day 16 - Monday, July 14

Holy crap, the days are starting to fly by.  I have so much to do with so little time to do it while trying to blog.  This is me panicking.  However, unlike before, I refuse to let myself slack when it comes to blogging.  I mean I was pretty sure that after my last disappearance act, no one would ever read me again but miracle of miracles people have actually come back, and then some.  My blog readership has increased (from 2 to 4!!!  Woo, 100% increase) and now I feel as if it’s my duty to continuously be amusing and introspective all at the same time.  Okay I’m exhausted just thinking of it.

So what’s today’s topic? 
Actually, there has been something I’ve wanted to write about, but hesitant.  The topic is fairly political in nature but that’s not the reason that I demure, I’ve spoken about politics before.  And it’s also not because I fear that my views will be misconstrued and I will be picked up by the authorities and thrown into some cell somewhere.  Again, I have stupid trust that as an American, I can say just about anything I wish, even if it’s anti-government rhetoric as long as it doesn’t cross any injudicious “hey look, we need to watch her because she’s clearly plotting against this county” lines.  I love my country far too much to think along those lines anyway.  Why I’ve been hesitating is because…well frankly, I’ve been very emotional about this particular subject and when I’m this emotional?  Its best that I give myself time to step back, take a deep breath, gather my thoughts and then write.

However, I believe that a few of my readers may be wondering why, in the face of all that’s happening internationally, I can remain quiet.  How is it that if even the smallest thing happens here in the States I’m all over it like lentils on rice yet this…how two-faced can I be?  Am I really that blind or is it that I am just that patriotic that I would turn that blind-eye to the problems of the world?  I assure u my friends; none of these things are true.  I am extremely socially conscious and in being so, I believe it’s time to speak up, Rubi style.  What I’m about to write is my opinion and my opinion alone.  If you do not agree, that’s okay, you have the right to think as you wish but I will not apologize for anything I write, not a darn word.
Let’s talk about what’s happening in Palestine.  Actually, you know what?  Let’s not.  Why not?  Because everyone everywhere is talking about what’s happening anyhow, I don’t need to add to the details.  It’s on the news, in every media source and all over Facebook.  Unless you are truly living in a cave somewhere, you know what’s happening and you are doing one of 3 things regarding it:

1.)    Horrified, protesting and trying to send a message out there to the international community to stop the madness.

2.)    Crying and praying to God to intervene knowing that there is nothing much you can do beyond that aside from donating money.

3.)    Nothing and turning a blind eye to it because it doesn’t affect you.
I’m pretty sure I fall into the first category. 

Do you still need me to recap?  Well, let me simplify it: lots of innocent people are dying unnecessarily. 
Basically that’s what it is, isn’t it?  And the biggest crux of the problem?  And over what?  The misguided belief which humans seem to have that land is worth enough to take another humans life.  Sure, I can recount what I know from reading history and media but it would be one-sided, no?  Isn’t that the problem in the first place?  Everyone has an opinion regarding what’s happening (what happened) and just because everyone isn’t simpatico, why not start killing each other?  Makes perfect sense, that solves everything, doesn’t it?

I’m being almost too simplistic about this, aren’t I?  Well if you want more, just jump online and start a-Googlin’, believe me there are thousands upon thousands of sources, most of all contradicting each other, out there for you to read if you have the patience.  I’ve found one good source in explaining the Israel-Gaza conflict.  Here’s the link, read, please take the time to read and clearly understand:  http://abcnews.go.com/International/israel-gaza-conflict/story?id=24552237. If you still don’t know what I’m talking about, then shame on you.
I’ve been watching the escalating tragedy unfold and every day I ask Allah (swt): why?  It’s a very straight forward question, isn’t it (like all my prior statements)?  But then again, it’s easy for me to demand answers to such a question when I’m sitting secure and safe at home in the USA?  A place where the borders are for the most part well protected, where I know a bomb won’t drop down onto my house at the drop of a hat.  No, I’m safe.  And yet I demand answers?  Okay, well as a ‘global’ citizen, which I consider myself to be, I would like to know what the heck is going on and more importantly, why isn’t anything being done about it?

This isn’t about land or power anymore (don’t fool yourself), it isn’t about Jews vs Muslim’s any longer, nor is it about which religion is the ‘true’ one or who has ‘rights’ over the other.  It’s not even about 3 Israeli boys being killed or a Palestinian boy being slaughtered.  It’s long since moved away from that.   It has long since morphed into a grudge match, a war of egos.  Any reason to fight is grasped and capitalized upon, any reason to kill each other is embraced.  And most recently, it has become about genocide.  How is genocide defined?  Here you go:

The deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.  

And for as much as I love my country (the USA) there is something pretty screwed up that we sit here and watch the tragedy unfolding and we barely hear or see within these borders a word being uttered, other than in the media.  I’ve been monitoring FB and other than this one particular situation, my fellow American’s are often showing their ire against the government, the lack of action for other countries, but where is the hue and cry against this slow wiping out of an entire country?  I hate to ask these questions but I must.  Is it because to you, ALL Muslim countries house terrorists?  Is that why?  Muslim’s as a whole do not deserve sympathy nor assistance, right?  After all, we asked for this, didn’t we?  1.7 billion of us decided that this was precisely how we wanted to be represented, as nothing but blood thirsty killers?  And that too in the name of God, Allah (swt)?  Right?  Sure. 

Well buttercup, look up the word terrorist and see for yourself what it means…wait never mind, let me do that for you:

A person who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political aims.

Yeah, we’ve never seen these folks within our borders, right?  But…wait, we have…hmm… and guess what?  They’re not all brown with beards or wearing head covers.  Do I really need to list it all out?  Or is it that you’re thinking to yourself, no, those are nutjobs, not terrorists?  You would be correct; they are nutjobs, as well as terrorists (as those who suffered in their hands if they were terrorized or not), if you go by the true definition alone.  So yea, we Muslim’s aren’t the only ones out there, are we now? 

Even history has proven that to be true, think Hitler.  But you go ahead and paint all of us with the same brush because we all asked for it, now didn’t we?  Even the neighbor you chitchat with outside on the lawn, that co-worker who you go out to lunch with, that family who you entrust your child to when you need to run errands, sure, that’s what we all are, not just normal humans trying to live.

You may not like what I wrote up above.  It’s a lot of sarcasm stuffed into a few paragraphs but I’m frustrated.  I’m sick of this double-standard the world seems to have towards Muslim’s.  Any other group of humans, from any other geographical location in the universe and we rush to aid, but you add Islam into the mix and it’s almost apathy.  Don’t hate me because I’m telling the truth, for it is just that, whether you realize it or not.

And sure, you have every right to say to yourself, “we get involved all over the place, we have to stay out of this, we can’t be stepping into every situation around the world and resolve it.”  You’re right, but this mentality (particularly coming from a government which likes to show the rest of the world believe we’re all about humanitarian efforts) only applies in those cases where we stand a chance to benefit financially, correct?  And we’re all about being allies with other governments that will help us in return, for instance Israel, correct?  Okay.

Look, I’m not going on a political nor religious rant here.  Who is right, who is wrong, who belongs where and who doesn’t.  Those are all things that have been and are being debated with no resolution and for a heck of a long time.  Far more intelligent and educated people than I have talked this to death and have yet to come up with any solution, instead only causing more disagreement (I’m using this term lightly) and hatred.  I’m sure my silly blog will make no never mind in the grand scheme of things.  I won’t be the person who will write a sentence that will suddenly open everyone’s eyes to the situation and they will say in union, “let us all get along now.”  Won’t happen.

What I can talk about is what I’m seeing, my feelings about it.  Now a few folks out there are nervous to even discuss this in their house, much less on social media where it’s out there for the world to see.  These people are far too scared to open their mouths against the brutality and the USA’s lack of response to it.  I’m not one of them.  While these quiet protesters are frightened to death that a swat team will swoop into their homes to hustle them out and punt them into GitMo for uttering one single word in opposition, I have no such reservations.  I am an American and I have every right to state my opinion.  I have written long and loud about the love of my country, that gives me equal footing to criticize the turning of blind eyes to the plight.  For all I know is that every single day a whole boat load of innocent men, women and children are being killed in Palestine and the violence is stomach turning, escalating by the day.  All I see any more is the abhorrent brutalization of every day citizens by the Israeli militia and government, and the slow decimation of a whole region. 

Are you going to say to me, “well they started it”?  Go ahead and say it.  I can say that this whole situation goes back so far in time that there is no longer a clear definition of who ‘started’ what anymore.  I frankly don’t give two flying figs as to who started what; it must end, plain and simple, enough with the murders of the citizens who are minding their own business and trying to live. 

You may be thinking that I’m speaking out against this because I’m Muslim?  You would be wrong.  Go back over my blogs and read the innumerable amount of other topics I’ve touched upon, the imploring of a call to action in support of myriad of groups of people who are facing harsh and terrible adversities.  I do not only cry for my brethren, but for all of humanity.

Here’s something to think about:

Does 3 lives = 400?

Does it?  Or should 3 lives = those who took those 3 lives?

My Facebook page has recently been riddled with videos, articles, commentary, political rants as well as all walks of life imploring someone, anyone to come to the aid of the Palestinian people and I have yet to see any action, not much of an acknowledgement for that matter.  I have even watched videos of Jews crying out in protest against their own government, being hauled away by police to God knows where because they dared speak out, cry for their neighbors.  Jews vs Muslim’s?  Doesn’t look like it.  You think this is really just a religious problem?  No, as I said in the beginning, it’s ego and pride.  Who can piss the furthest and run the fastest.  It’s stupid and none but the innocent suffer.

My heart is so heavy, my soul gravely saddened.  Whereas at one time I would log into Facebook to be entertained, I see instead bloodshed and death, bodies littering all kinds of surfaces and rubble that once represented homes.  Am I complaining?  No, I don’t always need to be amused, to have my boredom elevated.  A good dose of reality never hurt anyone and in fact has often done a world of good.  I can run from what’s happening around me but for how long?  How much longer can I keep my head buried in the sand before coming up for air and being slapped across the face with the ugly I know truth?  Sure this doesn’t affect me directly, so why worry about it, right?  But yet this is happening, somewhere and to someone.  When did we as a society become so desensitized that we can’t even weep and pray for our own kind and that to unless it’s close to home?  Does a manmade border, religion, culture, skin color, hair texture, slope of a forehead or the clothes that we wear so define us that we have become cold and heartless?

This is the holy month of Ramadan, a time for reflection and Ibadah, yet so many Muslim’s, instead of peacefully being able to observe it, is instead dying horrifying deaths.  These are neither the terrorists nor factions of Hamas that suffer, they bring it upon themselves and yes, they deserve to perish as is appropriate for their own actions.  (GUESS WHAT?  ALL MUSLIM’S ARE NOT TERRORISTS NOR DO WE SUPPORT THEM) but instead these are the innocents who are being systematically eradicated, left right and center.  Don’t want to label it as genocide?  Fine, call it whatever you wish but the facts remain the same.  After all, didn’t Will say, “a rose by any other name…”?  They are burying their family members, in some instances whole families perish together and for what?  Land?  Vengeance?  Ego?  Pride?  Stupidity? 
I’m not asking you to do anything, you may read this and shrug your shoulder and go back to your normal scheduled program.  That’s fine.  As I said earlier, my words make no difference in the grade scheme of things but by Allah I will tell you what I feel and I guarantee you that I am praying and asking God to intervene and resolve this, swiftly, for neither clearly my government nor any other, is listening.

God save mankind.  God save the innocent and God forgive us. 

Do you want to know what I see?  What am I basing this blog off of?  Why my heart hurts?  What visions haunt me?  Well here are but a few images I pilfered from Facebook to share.  While you look, I’m going to sign off…and as usual, Happy Ramandan-ing.  Oh, and one last thing… please, please pray for those who have lost their lives, and not just because they may share your religion, pray for them because they are humans, with souls.  Find the milk of human kindness in you, shed your prejudice and murmur a prayer for those lives lost.

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