Monday, March 30, 2015

Post-Post Germany Last Leg of Trip Adventure

Gotta love the title, right?  RIGHT?
And I'm up and at'em. Slept well, totally dreamless, and woke up semi-refreshed. Chatted with a friend for a bit where I wailed on about my horrible experience once arriving at the airport and he was quite sympathetic (through bursts of laughter but whatever) and came to grips with the fact that indeed this was all apart of the full experience.  So I shook off the funk and by the time I was conscious again, my spirits were high.  My ankle was throbbing slightly but not bad. I'm trying not to feel bad about spending that much on a hotel room which I occupied for approximately 12 hours but hell the alternative was no good so I'll get over that too and my more frugal side will shut up.
The airport is absolutely teaming with folks. A lot who had clearly spent the night if BO is any indication (total ew). Went to Starbucks after what seems ages and actually "ahh"-ed after taking that first familiar sip.  I have a 9.5 hour flight ahead of me, I think (Let me correct this now:  I assumed it was something like that.  I was wrong.  In fact it was an 11 hour flight back but I didn't discover this until I was on the plane and they announced the flight time.  I actually cringed.  Suffice it to say I'm editing this blog now days after my return which is why I'm making the clarification and also this can explain why there are a lot of weird past-tense, present-tensedness going on, sorry).  My knees are severely unhappy although it's presently battling against the ankle. I think the ankle will win but the knees will get its revenge eventually #thestruggleisreal #oldagesucks
I keep pondering about my blessings, even through this last ordeal. The fact is thanks to a solid education and a good job I can afford staying at a stupidly overpriced joint and have a bed all to myself (whereas 4 people could have easily fit).  The true other option made my skin crawl slightly but had I had to do it I would have without blinking an eye. Heck I almost had to anyhow, no matter how much mentally I balked at the idea. But at the end of the day, as others bedded down on hard unyielding floors for the night or stretched themselves out as comfortably as possible in rigid plastic seats, I was ensconced in room with a gigantic shower, pretty smelling stuff, and slippers which I totally took.  Hey, I was gonna get something other than sleep out of that damn place.

Yup, so blessings...anyhow moving along...

I was even feeling good enough to pick up a few souvenirs for home, packing them into my 'up to that point' light carry on (I planned it that way).  However, what I didn't plan on was to spend an arm and leg on the same stuff that I could have probably gotten for 1/4th the price if I had been able to get into the actual city...but I ain't I'm not...I'm blessed...I swear it.  *mental shake* 
I'm observing humanity again!  Not scaring them away with a scowl.  This is a vast improvement from last night.  A few hours earlier and I was intimidating little old women in burka's and making children scurry away at the dark look upon my countenance.  But not anymore, hallelujah.  And y'all know how much I love to simply...look. I try not to be creepy about it, I can have shifty eyes when I want which comes in handy when someone catches you staring and you can act as if they were simply in your line of vision.  This is some serious skills.

So moving on to some things that I'm seeing:

There's a woman standing beside me right now. She's Wearing what I can only identify as a dog on her person. Okay, not a real dog but a furry vest. These things confuse me.  Why is this a fashion statement and what's the statement anyhow?  I think it's fake.  I should ask but she doesn't look too open to conversation since she's busy looking at the world through dark glasses.  Again, why?  We're inside the airport for heaven's sake and there is light to be where, at least not where we are standing. 

I won't judge her, I promise.

A man just did the most cliché thing you could do at the airport:  check his watch and hurry (read that as run) away. Lol, like me yesterday.  I wanted to shout after him, "go you, go, get that airplane!"  I think that would have garnered a lot of attention which I'm not cool with so it's cool, I'll keep my thoughts to myself.

Another man and his son was in the check out line with me at the duty free and I was boggled at the stuff he purchased for his kid. As he paid his blond little boy went round and round his legs. The dad didn't even blink an eye. Impressive.  Idda smacked my kid and been like, "stop that!" but then again I'm not a parent and this may be a good thing.

Folks!  A segue has been sighted!   Damn I hate those things!!!  People ought to be required to have licenses for these menaces to society and insurance.  I've nearly been run down by them on the teaming streets of DC by tourists who seem to be hopped up on crack.  Ugh.  They are everywhere and personally I think they should be outlawed.

I think the German military is making a transit through the airport.  Hmm, I find it weirdly ironic that I saw none in Germany but in Turkey?  They're everywhere.  I wonder why also they're sort of loitering around so aimlessly.  Some poor plane is gonna be jammed backed with these guys and either I feel bad for the other passengers or a few women (and men) will be very, very happy for the eye candy. 

Gosh, the Thai airlines crew is walked by and 'oh my lanta' the women are seriously stunning all coiffed, backs straight, gliding, smiling even jealous.  I can never pull that look off.  For the most part I look disheveled and a bit crazed, like I've gone through a wind tunnel 5 minutes after completing getting ready.  How these women maintain the cool and collected look is beyond me.  Admittedly, the males in the group (and there were a few) I didn't notice but the seriously, the women...just wow...

This airport is actually ginormous.  I have to say I'm impressed (now that I'm rested and less bitter).  There are also major plus points in being a blogger during times like these when there's nothing else to do. Just watch and write and this is the right place for that. Airports always are. I almost enjoy a long layover for precisely this reason. Ok, not like 17 hours bit a few are good with me.

I just noticed that I'm still wearing the bracelet I wore to the club. I miss S just looking at it. :/ okay before I become misty eyed and sad, moving right along...

One guy just zipped up his shorts right in front of me. Um...this doesn't seem right to me but maybe I'm a prude?  Is this something that people do out in public in Turkey?  Am I missing something?  Yish.  And there was absolutely no shame in his game.  Lucky me that I got to see it, right?  Meh.

They have these mini shopping carts everywhere. People are pushing them around as if they're at the grocery store. I'm not sure where they're getting them, just that they are everywhere (much like the segues). I anticipate the moment when two collide and things go flying.  Not that I would wish that on anyone!  Of course, not me! And not so that I have something to blog about.  Let me move a little to the left so that the lightening bolt doesn't strike me where I sit. -_-

Ohhhh there's another random person walking around with a face mask. This time a young woman. I honestly want to chase after her and ask her what is it that she's so scared of and should I also be nervous or maybe if she could let me have a mask because I am totally unprepared.  I will admit that slight panic sets in whenever I see these be-masked individuals.  And totally weirded out. 

Oh yea, German army totally in the house.

Have you ever heard a European say "hello"?  It's completely smit-worthy. It's lilting and carefree. It's like "elloooooo" but with a soft touch and a slight upwards movement at the end, very musical, lyrical even. I've tried to imitate it but it doesn't sound half as charming. But then again no one could ever accuse me of being charming so the hope that I would succeed from the beginning had been pretty low to start with ;)

Wow, all the random thoughts I'm having is exhausting. 

Okay, I am apparently supposed to head to my gate. This brings me a deep joy that I can not explain at all. This means I'm almost on the plane that will take me home! 

Snap, the line to board the airplane is hugeeeeee. Please God let no one piss me off. Not now. Please?  It's not asking for much. I am a good person.  I think I've had my fair share of problems. Someone else can have some for a bit. I would be totally okay with that. :) thanks.

Boarded, sitting, boots off and footies on. The long haired metal head next to me is slim and sweet and has a shy smile.  He's also like 7 feet tall (total exaggeration) and looks so uncomfy that I feel downright bad for him...almost bad because I'd rather him not be there so I could have the two seats to myself.  A girl can wish.  But I can tolerate him although he too is a leg shaker.

Hey!  Leg shaker turns out to be a decent guy named Sebastian who is traveling home as well but not to the USA, instead he travels home to South America. We chatted for a while and I feel awful for him because he's so damn tall that his legs are pretty much up to his chest.  Here is when being short is a total plus. Yay midget me.

Boy how wrong was I about the flight time?  11 hours. Oh god...

This kid is a genius.  Straight up genius.  I mean as in 'I'm super educated and graduated from everything early and hence a certified genius' genius.  He imparted some of the things he's done and I'm sorta jealous and feel stupid.  Note to self:  Don't judge someone for how they look or what they wear.  Not that I do anyhow but even I can make slight assumptions which does make me human but no less wrong.  He's a good kid.  I've tried to shrink myself to give him more room but that is of no help.  And I'm not all that shrink-able.

The food is pretty badass, in case anyone was wondering.  I found myself looking forward to meal time, how pathetic is that?
We're landing.  I've filled out the immigration paper work, had nothing to declare, packed all my stuff carefully trying to avoid taking any more room away from the kid as I can and breathe out a sigh of relief.  I am anxious to get on the ground so I can stretch out my legs, happy to be home, scared to turn on the data package and push notifications that will allow work to finally reach out and touch me but all those things with time.  I refuse to look at anything other than 'welcome home' texts from friends and family. 

Is there anything better than getting such messages after being out of touch for 11 hours?  And how horrible when you don't?  I'm smiling from ear to ear and feeling all warm and fuzzy : )

Anyhow, the adventure was fantastic. I've enjoyed taking people on my travels. I hope it wasn't too boring for anyone to read. Maybe a few rolled their eyes and thought, "whatever" but I like to think for the most part my posts have been entertaining and possibly a bit revealing?  I can only sum the whole trip as stunningly successful because it was all about being with S, who even as we speak is looking at tickets to come visit me next year during cherry blossom season :)

I will post another blog about thoughts, things I pondered, lessons learned.  That will come later.  Now, I'm headed home. 

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