Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Musings of the Fashion Handicapped

Granted, I'm not the biggest fashionista you'll ever lay your eyes on.  I tend to blend, not very remarkable at all.  However, it's not that I'm ignorant of fashion, I just chose to not indulge.  That also doesn't mean I don't appreciate it.  I've seen women who look so amazing that they oft times leave me speechless.  And yes, I've seen other females who could have really re-thought their clothing options as well as wondering if they had a mirror handy because obviously they didn't take a peak before heading out of their home.  But for the most part, for all these snarky thoughts about the occasional outfit here and there, I've rarely looked at anyone and thought, "she shouldn't wear that because she's [x] age."
This leads me to todays blog topic:
Today on FB, I clicked on an article entitled, "24 Things Women Should Stop Wearing After Age 30". 
Curiosity, along with the burning need to have a mindless moment to myself away from work, had me reading the silly thing.  One of the comments below the article said "whoever wrote this article is a fuddy duddy".  After finishing it, I agreed with that person.  Talk about being judgmental.
I can't remember everything on that list, only a few but the ones I agreed with are as follows:
1.)  Scrunchies (this was number 1 on the list).  Yea.  Pretty much.  Get rid of them ladies and join the hordes of us who wear the bands that magically disappear every few days or remain as a permanent bangle upon your wrist. 
2.)  Overalls (number 10 on the list).  Not unless you're a cute little 5 year old because after that, it's all down hill (okay, you can make it work till at least age 10).  Otherwise, grown women just shouldn't and it's a hideous no-no to me.
3.)  Mini Skirts (Number 11).  I get it.  I mean at this age (and I mean 40) keeping something to the imagination is key as well as hiding...that's real important.  Frankly, I don't want to see your cheeks all hanging out when you bend over *mental ew*
4.)  Furry Boots (Number 15).  Um...well yea.  I mean they're ugly to begin with and unless you're some anorexic Barbie doll (even in this instance it's just not necessary), you should skip them because they also make your feet sweat and stink.
So those are the ones I agreed with.  Notice how short that list is?
Here are the two that I highly disagreed with although the rest as well I objected to for being on the list:
1.)  Short Dresses (12 on the list).  Okay but why?  I get it, some women who shouldn't be wearing them do without regard to body type/shape.  But overall why not?  I mean if you know your bod, are comfortable with it, have bought something that flatters it and got legs like Tina Turner, then I say rock it.  What's age got to do with it anyhow?
2.)  Platform Flip Flops (3 on the list).  I absolutely disagree with this one mainly because I have a few pairs I bought from Victoria Secrets and I j'adore them!  And no, not because I think they're uber sexy or even that cool looking but because I'm short and regular flip flops actually can be quite uncomfy (the cheapies).  I look for the comfortable vs. my feet are in agony factor before considering what's age appropriate in footwear.
As I scrolled through the list, I just kept thinking, why does this person who wrote this article think it's okay to tell me what is appropriate to wear or not wear, anyhow?  Who are they to dictate such things?  Granted I may be taking this all a little personally however, I don't think I'm all that wrong.
Here's the thing.  I'm 42.  I'm not a half bad looking 42 either.  I have yet to experience that instance where someone has been able to successfully guess my age.  I'm lucky that way and thank my parents for this little blessing.  I also am very, very conscious of my body and what it can and cannot pull off.  I don't go to the store, look at something and think, 'sure I'll do that' without giving serious consideration to how I will look from all angles.  And to me? I pick things according to my personal style, not my age.  It so happens that I like the conservative look (with a slight edge) but that doesn't mean that someone has the right to tell me that I can't wear sparkly pants outside of New Years Eve.  That's just not okay with me.
And as I was perusing the list, I realized that for the most part, anything there (other than the short, short bootay shorts) can be paired with something else and give it a hipper less childish look.  Why in the world will I ever agree to some unknown person telling me that I shouldn't wear my graphic tee's?  What's wrong with them?  I don't just pick them up without having a reason.  They mean something for the most part, don't they?
There's also the blue eye shadow thing.  Sure, that one I get to a certain point if you're planning to carry it all the way up to your eyebrows but if not, if it's simply going onto the lid, then what the hell is wrong with a bit of color? Particularly if you have that perfect shade of eyes that are enhanced by it?  I mean seriously! 
As for the mismatched socks...well I'm speechless with this one.  Why the hell is it anyone's business what I wear on my feet, specifically within my shoes?  Who has so little life that they would even bother to take the time to work up indignation over something as trivial and fun as this?  Oh, and then the hoop earrings...pfft. not going to even address that one.
Okay, I'm going to calm down.  Honestly though, there are a few on the list (aside from the ones I mentioned above) that I do slightly agree with but not due to age, rather because of the shape of the wearers body.  I'm not saying a big woman shouldn't Vaseline herself into a pair of low rise skinny jeans.  If she's confident and aware, than go her!  But I would hope that she can take stock in the reality of her physique and be able to determine if that this particular article of clothing would actually flatter her or distract from her natural beauty. 
I don't give a damn about what age you are is my point of view (not that many of you may care anyhow but this is my blog so suck it up, Cupcake).  Wear what you feel comfortable in.  Who cares what others think?  And who gave these idiots who write these equally idiotic articles the right to judge anyhow?  Why are they the authority over fashion do's and don'ts?  Do they have some fashion diploma?  Have they spoken to every single blasted female on the face of the earth to get some sort of consensus before writing such trash?  If not, then leave it alone, is what I say.
Let people be.  We, as a race, have enough crap on our plates to deal with.  Don't tell me I can't wear a certain hat because it's not in my age group.  Screw you.
If a person wants to strut around in old sneaks, then okie dokie.  How does the writer of that article know that the person wearing this particular sort of footwear can afford new ones, anyhow?  Or that they have some sentimental value?  I swear it's like these authors cannot think outside of the goddamn box to save their lives and never mind empathy, sympathy...
Okay...I'll stop.  I have no idea why I'm getting so worked up over such a lame article.
Final thoughts:
So if you want to wear your jeans up to just under your armpit?  Do it!
If you really love to wear socks with sandals, go little Cricket.
Want to rock the plaid and stripes look?  Why the hell not, it's you're world, we're just living in it.
Whale tail and plumbers crack...mmm, K, you may make someone cringe in horror but oh well...
I guess the fact is that the older I get, the less judgmental I've become and I don't think that's a bad thing because I have no interest in anyone judging me.  If they do, all I'm liable to do in return is tell them to not worry about me because I'm not their business anyhow.  And if in the case of those who care to ask me my opinion about how they look in a certain outfit/item, I will be honest with them and I will never say 'you're too old for that' but rather 'you know how you don't like [whatever] about your body?  Well that highlights it, so put it back on the hanger...'
Enough said on this.

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