Thursday, April 2, 2015

Another Day in Paradise

My computer is broken.
Let's start by saying this out loud so I can purge some of this frustration from my being while at the same time embracing this very ugly truth. 
It's broken, broke, broke-down, eff'ed up...
I'm at least relieved to say that it is in fact not the one at home, but my work laptop.
It does all sorts of cray things like show lines which I do not want to see, go black screen and give me warnings that something catastrophic is about to happen.  I swear I haven't downloaded any porn (heh) or anything for that matter.  Not only am I flummoxed by this, so is the IT dude.  He has tried everything to repair.  Now you could be wondering, why not replace it?  Well this is actually my second 'puter.  The first one did the same wonky ass shit which caused a real need for a swap out. 
Now I'm back to 'there' again.  In this sense 'there' represents the need to take it and toss it into the Potomac. 
Ain't this a shame, though?  I mean I tried to get myself into a happy place before walking into work, sucking down my iced coffee with cream and sugar, listening to tunes that put a little hop and shimmy in my step and even managed to chat with a friend for a few minutes.  These were all positives.  And being in that state of mind I thought to myself that maybe, just maybe...the problems with my computer would cease and desist.  See, I can be positive when I want to be, when I really put some effort into it.
But this attitude wasn't meant to last for long.  After a few keystrokes all the "401" warnings started to populate the screen.  This is definitely a man vs. technology thing and at this point, technology is kicking ass.
Luckily, I work with folks who I legitimately like so when it was suggested that a few of us go to lunch, I jumped up quickly in agreement.  The sad fact is that rarely do any of us indulge in going out to eat.  If we do, we grab food and come back to the office to consume whatever it is in the break room. Sounds terrible, doesn't it?  But we actually enjoy that time to kick it and the conversations are pretty damn entertaining.  I believe I'm mentioned before that my colleagues are intensely smart, superlatively hard workers and ridiculously hilarious.  For the most part everyone here gets along (Allhamdulillah) which is why I plan to go no where anytime soon.
So off we go, up to M Street to enjoy a Thai buffet.  On the way back, in the midst of taking a step, I leave behind one of my heels.  Yes, here is a huge threat to all women (and a few men *wink wink*) in the city.  The streets, grates, cracks just love to grab ahold of a heel and simply hang on while letting the female herself to whistle on her merry way until she realizes that something is seriously wrong, often being revealed in a defined limp.  
Best story ever:  many moons ago my colleague and I are hurrying to a lunch meeting.  One moment she's next to me, the next...not.  I stop to look around and spot her at least 10 steps behind waving at me frantically.  I make my way back only to discover that she is standing still, a weird smile plastered to her face.  "What's wrong," I ask, knowing we were already running late.
"My shoe is stuck..." she mutters out of the side of her lips, the smile still in place.  She's totally motionless.
"What?"  I asked, looking down.
"I'm stuck!" She grunts, motioning at her 3 inch heels which make my feet hurt without even wearing them.
"Well unstick yourself, we're late!"  I insist, exasperated.  This is 12:30pm in China Town located smack dab in the middle of the city.  There were people everywhere and we still had a good block and half to go.
"I can't!  Help!"
"What the hell do I do?"  I threw up my hands, near on panic since we were meeting our partner and client for lunch.  The partner didn't appreciate tardiness, at all. If not for the meeting though, I would have had a good laugh at her predicament.
"I don't know."  She practically wailed. 
Long story short, she had to step out of her shoes, effectively proving she wasn't as statuesque as she would like for people to believe and we both wrangled it out of the jaws of the sidewalk.  She hopped on one foot to slip back into it, using my shoulder as balance and off we went.  And what happens next?  20 steps later, she's stuck again.
Yup.  Can't make this stuff up.
This very similar thing happened to me 3 times in the process of getting back from lunch.
My mood right now is better.  May be it's because the day is beautiful or because I've decided not to give a damn as to whether the computer is working or not.  The right people have been informed and until things have been resolved, I can't freak out or at least there's little point to it.  Instead I'm resolved to getting out of here shortly and trying to make the most of my night.  I considered going for a run (on the treadmill) or even attempting the hip hop ab video again but those two options are far less appealing than taking a long walk by the river or hanging out with a few girls at work.  Just sayin'.
I'm also equally resolved NOT to work tonight.
Wish me luck on that one.

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