Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Excuses as to Why I've Been a Bad Bad Blogger

Okay I've been quiet for a few days now, not posting much.  Actually I haven't posted anything at all, have I?  Let's not mess with technicalities though, such pesky stuff they be.  There has been many reasons for my lack of writing and here they are...yes, these are all worthy excuses:
1.)  I've still been immersed in figuring a few things about my career.  Changes they are a-comin'.
2.)  I haven't been able to come up with a worthy enough blog topic.  Sadly this happens often.  (S, you're still not allowed to suggest any, no matter how much you pout or send me subliminal messages!)
3.)  I have actually been focusing on editing a few books that, given enough time and confidence, I may just one day send to an editor/publisher.  How likely is this to happen in the near future?  Well let's just say Hoffa's body may turn up faster, so I wouldn't hold your breath if I were you.
4.)  I have had a lot of family things pop up that keeps me zooming back and forth between here and B'more, and a bunch of other places as well.  My wallet is crying buckets from how much money I spend on gas :(
5.)  I am noting that I use the word 'I' far too much.
6.)  I also (just) realized that this is my blog so if I sound narcissistic, deal with it.
7.)  I'm digressing, or may be just stalling as I think up more things that I have done to use as reasons for not having blogged for a few days.
8.)  A nice long weekend just went by that featured a fantastically fun family BBQ, a family members housewarming party (oh and folks, you should see their place...only one word to describe it "wow") and I watched a dear friend of mine walk down the aisle to become joined in matrimony to the love of her existence.  Let me just take a moment here also to tell you guys that when she stood there ready to walk down the aisle, I had to literally lean forward and narrow my eyes while whispering frantically to P, 'is that her?  Is that her???' (who else would it have been really?  I mean a woman at wearing a gorg white gown should have been a dead give away, right?) because in all the time I have known her, she has never, ever looked so incredibly beautiful nor radiant.  That's not to say that I haven't seen her look stunning but nothing like the ethereal creature that stood there glowing like a beacon in the night, like an angel come down from heaven, like a...well you get the point.  The girl was a flippin' knockout and her husband is most certainly one lucky guy.   
9.)  A lot of playing of silly games on the handheld.  Alright so this is not in fact a very valid excuse and truthfully a bad habit when I'm up till 2am feverishly playing Bejeweled Blitz or Whirly Words (yes, there is such a game on my iPhone) but I'm slightly OCD when it comes to things like this.  I just can't stop!
10.)  I have been finalizing plans for my impending trip to Seattle for another dear friends wedding.  Btw, I do enjoy the challenge of putting an itinerary together but oh boy is it a pain at the same time.  F is damn lucky I love him so much so that I'd be willing to go through all this for his goofy butt.  Then again, there would be no way in the world I'd miss this epic event either.
11.)  I have been busy jumping for joy with the news of 2 other friends engagements.  It sure does seem as if everyone and their momma's are getting hitched, doesn't it?  This jumping for joy also includes getting all the yummy details behind the romances/proposals.  I'm such a girl sometimes : )
12.)  I have also above all been preparing for Ramadan, mostly all mental.  (I could explain to you what Ramadan is but I'm figuring that by now, most people all over the world at least have some idea, even if you don't know the details.) 
Yup, so there you see my 12 solid...okay well may be like 11, um...10...10 definitely solid reasons as to why I haven't blogged in a few days.  You guys can't really fault a sistah in the face of my arguments.  But I can assure one and all that you will see a lot more posts during the next month.  Why is this you wonder?  Particularly armed with the knowledge that I will indeed be observing the fast which translates into my brain functioning sluggishly at best while the energy to type will most likely be non-existent.  Seems almost impossible considering that I don't blog when I'm actually eating, right?  Let me just say that I'm honestly hoping for the best and my intentions are noble at least.  My ultimate plan however, and yes there is one indeed, is to see if I can't post a blog every day during the month of Ramadan.
Now hold on a minute.  I'm not going to necessarily start getting all religious on you guys.  No, I realize that a fair amount of people who read this here blog are probably not Muslim and as I wrote before, my religion is very personal to me.  So yea, I won't be suddenly going all 'thou shalt..." on you.  Rather simply it'll be something to do that'll distract me from any possible grumbling of stomach or watering of mouth.  Heck, I think most of the blogging will be done during lunch time when I know I won't be sitting and consuming food.  Sounds good to me, how about you? 
All joking aside, I will be sharing memories of past Ramadan's, traditions that I grew up with, and this forum also gives me the opportunity to explain why it is we (Muslims) do what we do, particularly why are we so willing to starve ourselves for the next 30 days between the hours of sunup to sundown.  If you didn't know before, hopefully by the end of the month, you will and possibly come away feeling just a tiny bit more informed.  Look at this as a 'learning opportunity'.  Isn't that nice?  And I assure you I have no interest in converting you, if that's what you fear.  Stay who you are, be who you are, believe what you wish.  The fact still remains that during the next very long month, I will be eyeball deep in the practice of my own so why not let you see what it's like from a practicing (albeit not so great nor dedicated by any stretch of the imagination) Muslim on a day-to-day basis?  I'll try to be as open and honest as possible and share the struggle as it happens.  Let's see how it goes.
Okay then!  It's about 1:43am.  I'm up because shortly I'll log off and make preparations for the meal that will herald in the first fast, that will start tomorrow (um, I mean today...like as in July 10th).  If you've heard that some of your Muslim friends have already started the fast on July 9th, don't be alarmed, I'll also explain why this happened/happens in another blog.  Suffice it to say a bunch  started yesterday, while the rest will start today.  Anyhow back to the meal...it's called Suhur (in Bdesh we call it Seheri).  I guess you can look at it almost like 'the last meal' before the starvation begins (we know I'm always trying to find humor in everything so please don't get offended).  The meal must be partaken before sunup.  I'm not going to get into the specifics of every little thing so if you wanna know more, just Google people, Google! 
As a child I would be awaken at 3:30am and forced to drink milk.  I've realized that my adult body really, really dislikes this more so than my child body did but the consequences now is that I can't go back to sleep as easily afterwards (never mind the fact that I loath and despise milk and think I may be slightly lactose intolerant)  and I inevitably wake up late, subsequently being late for work.  Instead I elect to go to sleep late after eating something (for me it's pretty much a glass of water or possibly a piece of fruit) and head off to sleep.  I guess my 'preparation' doesn't really require much prepping, does it?  Hmmm...
Oh also, there is an added prayer that we have to perform during this month.  It's called Taraweeh.  I'll explain it in another blog but the first time this 6th prayer is performed is the night before the 1st day of fast.  Wait did that make sense?  Phew, I reread it and it did.  Good times.  This info seems out of place and doesn't really flow with the rest of the blog but I mention it only because indeed this additional prayer started tonight.  And yes, I performed it.  Let me tell you, it's long and not easy but I promised I'd share my thoughts so there it is. 
So y'all, have a wonderful night (morning, day, afternoon, whatever).  To my Muslim Brothers and Sisters, may Allah (swt) accept all your prayers and wishes for this most blessed of months and may Allah (swt) bestow upon you the ability to observe Ramadan with a clean, pure heart as well as give you strength to see it through to the end.
To the rest of you, Muslim or not...Ramadan Kareem!!!!!!!!


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