Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 5 - Ramadan-ing

Apparently the beginning of the last blog was a wee bit…um…unintelligible?  The person who told me is one who I trust and therefore I haven’t even bothered to go back and read to confirm.  She’s probably right.  I know that by the time I had posted it, I was mentally done in.  It was almost out of a sense of desperation that I finally hit the ‘publish’ button just so that I didn't have to look at it again.  It’s not that I didn't like what I wrote (Sort of sounds arrogant doesn't it?  Liking my own stuff?) But it took me so long to write that paltry little entry that I felt it a waste of breath.  Still I carry on trying to fulfill my promise.  I apologize if your eyes bled and your brain hurt after reading Day 4.  Don’t throw fruit at me because I’m liable to pick it up and eat it.  That wouldn't be a good thing.

You will note that I have been unable to keep up with my promise for a daily blog, not well or in a timely fashion at least.  Blame Saturday and Sunday please.  If not for those two days I surely would not miss.  But alas right now I’m basically playing catch up.  So here goes:

Day 5 – Sunday I woke up feeling exhausted.  That’s never a good sign.  May be it was all that samosa making.  If I saw one more samosa again ever, I probably would throw a massive fit or curl into a ball and weep like a baby.  That gives you a fair idea of how much time I spent the day before rolling out, stuffing and modeling (the dough, not me).  Then there was the electricity outage that served as a bad lullaby.  I may have slept but it was fitful and full of sweaty dreams.   I don’t think, upon awaking that morning, my body was in any mood to listen to my mind which was reciting the long list of things that needed to be done.  In fact my body mass was pretty much dead weight as it laid there, eyes trained onto the ceiling, all brain commands being ignored.  P at one point came and peered at me closely to see if I was awake or asleep.  When I sluggishly blinked, he pulled back in surprise.  He told me I was lying too still for a person who was indeed in her senses.    That about summed it up. 

Finally my subconscious was kicking up a ruckus which grated on my nerves enough to cause me to really ponder again the to-do list that was even then being added to mentally (I think I hoped that I had enough time to go back to sleep if it wasn't all that tedious…fat chance) which in essence sent me into a spiral of freaking-out-ness.  That isn't a word or phrase but it is for the purpose of this blog.  I had a pile of things to do and by lying like a sloth in bed was not going to get any of it done.  So I climbed out giving it one last mournful, pitiful, I-so-love-you-and-shall-miss-you-desperately look at the soft mattress that was literally calling for me to come back to it and off I went.  That day the agenda was to make chicken patties.  Those are basically puff pastry pockets stuffed with ground chicken.  My mission was to make and freeze around 60 of them them so that on the day of my big shindig all I would have to do was throw them on a baking sheet, paint them with a little egg wash and bake to golden perfection until puffy.  (Dang, my mouth waters no matter if I’m thinking about chicken patties or even a granola bar.  Drat)

Pretty much all of Sunday was spent in this endeavor and by the time I was done my being was covered in flour from head to toe.  Seriously, somewhere between start to finish, the flour bag attacked me.  It was an epic battle but I came out the winner however the bag gave as good as it got.  At the end though I did a few fist pumps much like Rocky Balboa and ran around the kitchen island victorious. 

Um…maybe that’s all a wee bit of an exaggeration but I was mighty pleased with myself as I slipped the last of the unbaked patties into the freezer and equally horrified when I gazed into the mirror.  How someone gets flour behind their neck will remain a mystery to me.  After showering, cleaning up a bit and praying, I sat down to watch something nonsensical on television.  I was aiming for mindless, like any Mel Brooks flicks (and if you know me, you know that I am a HUGE fan of Mr. Brooks!).  However by now most can figure out that I never do quite what I intend hence when P came down to announce that he was going to bed, he stopped short and gaped at the television.  “You like foreign films?”  He asked in astonishment. 

It irritated me that he seemed so darn shocked (clearly he didn't think I had depths when it came to watching of movies…hmph, after 16 years one would think the fool would though, right?)  but I didn't have the strength to even scowl so I nodded as my eyes stayed glued to the movie I had chosen.  A Korean flick about a woman, who weighed 200 lbs., loved to sing and ended up having plastic surgery because she was just so miserable with her weight and of course wanted to get the guy…okay sounds stupid but really it was good.  And I watched that till it was time to go to bed and let me tell you, I again pondered whether sleeping somewhere on the stairs wouldn't be so bad.  P would just wake me up in the morning, hopefully not trip upon me as he was heading off to work.  These were the thoughts that often go through my head.  Yes, I’m special that way.  Don’t be judging.  Suffice it to say I made it up to bed no worse for the wear (actually I was gasping with exhaustion as I literally flopped into bed) and fell off to sleep without another thought. 

Onto Day 6…

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