Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Another Random Topic Challenge Accepted!

Occasionally I’ll ask someone for blog ideas and try to see what I can make of it, no matter how random it is.  The challenge in itself is to take the topic and make it at least a somewhat interesting read without resorting to pasting pictures and wikki links which in turn would simply put people to sleep.  Granted rarely do I post a blog that doesn't have at least one picture or link but that's on the side of 'here let me help you out'.  The last challenge I wrote was about was the stray dogs.  When my girl S gave it to me, I had to do a lot of mental calisthenics before even starting the blog itself.  This one has been about the same.  S has once again given me an idea that’s had my brain straining.  This is probably why I’ve put off writing it for so long.  But regardless, it’s a challenge; I’m up for it, so here I go.

Many moons ago, on a warm summer day as I was aimlessly riding bikes with my best friend we found ourselves in uncharted territory.  Every day in an effort to change our scenery, we would ride yonder and back, going down new roads, across undiscovered streets and gliding through mysterious by-ways.  We knew where not to go and where we could.  That was the key; otherwise where we wandered was up to us.

However that day, we stumbled into a neighborhood where, although it was fine for us to explore in, we just had never bothered.  May be it had to do with the immaculately manicured lawns, the intimidating big shiny expensive looking cars that would disappear into the street or even possibly the expensively coifed individuals that seemed to almost float about.  Let me not even bother mentioning the houses, suffice it to say they were impressive to our young wide-eyes.  Subconsciously my buddy and I had stayed away but that day we decided, why not; let’s go see what the big hoopla was. 

There we were, two little girls dirty and tired but unwilling to let go of the precious time we had to be outdoors and free, on our pretty pink (mine) and yellow (hers) bikes cruising along sucking down Slurpee’s from the local 7-11.  I remember wondering where all the other kids were playing.  In our neighborhood by this time of the day the children would be out in clusters kicking up a ruckus but not here.  Everything was quiet and if we hadn’t felt like interlopers before, we did once we were sufficiently down the first street and no sign of life was to be seen.  When we spotted a person, they were of the ‘grown-up’ variety. 

Eventually we stopped at the curb of a house that stuck out like a sore thumb from the rest, if that was at all possible.  It was grand as the others, but quite different in architecture.  From what I can recall, it was big and had a Victorian look about it, with a porch that swept around the house almost lazily.  There placed within the shade of that beautiful porch were chairs that looked inviting, even to my young soul and to my delight, a sort of double-swing to one side.  I had seen those probably in some movie so the manifestation of such a thing in real was astounding to me.  Also the fact that I adored swings was another thing that had me just itching to go take a little ride.  Since the house appeared as if it was empty, well probably the owners were out, the little deviant within me would have happily taken a chance but the problem wasn’t the impending possibility that I would get caught, basically trespassing but rather what stood stationary several yards in front of the house. 

There lined up meticulously like soldiers were tall, white and unbelievably symmetrical, each one matching the other perfectly, spikes thrust out of the ground.  The fence went on forever fully enclosing the whole property.  The whitewash literally gleamed in the sunlight bespeaking that either the fence itself was new or that the paint job was, either way it had ‘do not touch’ written all over it (not literally).  The lawn was a beautiful lush green, mowed to perfection and a gorgeous contrast to the fence.  I may not have at that time understood the concept of color coordination but to me the whole scene looked…perfect.

I stood there with the bike between my legs and stared while my friend yammered on about something or another only to realize I wasn’t listening.  She circled back and suggested that we go to so-and-so’s house to see if they could come out to play a game of freeze tag.  This roused me from my open-mouthed stupor and off we went.

So what significance did that house as well as that moment have on me then?  Nothing.  Not a darn thing.  It was a house, it was pretty, it had a swing, I wanted to swing on it, if I did and I was caught, my mother would tan my hide, hence I went off to do something that wouldn’t result in a bruised behind.  That was the extent of it.  A child’s life is a rather simple one folks, in case you didn’t realize.

But it’s this darn challenge that has brought that memory roaring back into the forethought of my memories.  What was the topic?  Beautiful homes maybe or old roads that contained some interesting fact perhaps?  How about something quirky about asphalt (if that’s at all possible) or mayhap a favorite summertime recollection?  Nope.  Fences.  Yes, “fences” is the topic (in case you hadn’t guessed by now).  BTW…S…babe…thanks…*grumbles*

Still I must say this topic did have me thinking.  At first it was more around the area of ‘wtf?!?!’ and quickly switched to ‘okay focus sister, make this happen’.  The first thing that popped into my head was the scene from Tom Sawyer where Tom is whitewashing the fence.  If you don’t remember it, here take a look à

Oh I so loved that book from the first moment I read it back in elementary school.  I wanted badly to have the same adventures as Tom but let me not digress...back to the topic at hand.  After picturing Tom, I had to do a bit more mental heavy lifting to drag forth the memory I wrote about up above.

And here’s something funny that I realized about fences, not those real ones that I had observed glinting in the sunlight that afternoon but the more psychological ones.  Those really are ever present, aren't they?  The truth is, even though I didn’t really see it that way back then due to the fact that, let me remind you again, I was a wee little thing, that fence in that neighborhood protecting that particular beautiful house represented, in a way, a life that was fully unfamiliar to me.  Even then I was intimidated, didn’t feel as if I belonged, and knew that I wasn’t supposed to be where I was.  That carefree child didn’t get it.  This adult female understands it all too well.

The fences are everywhere aren’t they?  You haven’t seen them?  Look around you. 

They are not literal, the ones I speak of.  These are the ones that keep this wonderful world from living in some semblance of peace and harmony.  They are represented in the form of borders, religion, race, culture…they keep lovers apart, families from joining, friends from being friendly and stops general humanity from behaving…humanely. 

It’s amazing also how many of these ‘fences’ I have observed (remembered, pondered, mulled, etc...) since the genesis of this one particular blog and let me just say, it breaks my heart.  It’s also equally sad that as a kid, I knew that not only did I not belong on that street, but even to be standing on the sidewalk looking at that house/fence seemed wrong.  May be it was television, society, culture, what have you, all subliminally giving me messages, putting me in my place, telling me what it was that I could and could not do, without me (or anyone around me for that matter) being any the wiser.  This particular brand of indoctrination went on with the ages, as years slipped by, as time smoothly (and not sometimes downright roughly) sailed from one big life event seamlessly into another till here I am today well aware of all the limitations that existence has to offer.

Is this a good thing?  No, not at all.  Do I accept this anymore half as easily as I did back then?  Most certainly not.  I’m on a mission to do everything I can to break down barriers and ignore these societal fences.  If someone tells me not to go somewhere, say something or do something, I have a habit now of looking them in the eyes and say with authority ‘shoo’.  Yes, with authority!  I know, you all are totally intimidated and glad you have yet to come to the receiving end of my ‘shoo’.   Let's just keep it that way.  I can be a mighty scary person when I put my mind to it *hmph*

Um...granted I admit that I don't totally thumb my nose at society nor everything that I had once agreed grudgingly with just because I'm grown.  I mean I'm human and to some degree a total coward but for the major things, yea, I've started to push back and break free.  This can't be a totally bad thing, right? 
But the best thing though is that it appears as if even society is no longer totally accepting what society itself had once laid down as 'acceptable' and indeed breaking down a few fences.  The biggest example of this in fact happened today (convenient for the sake of this blog and rather handy to drive my point home).  The US Supreme court declared DOMA (Defense of Marriage usual  because I'm such a kind and loving soul, I'm going to be helpful and post the link that will give you more details: unconstitutional.  Additionally somewhere in Texas, a bill banning abortions was killed as well. 

And whether I agree or disagree with either of the things that happened today is actually quite irrelevant because one can no longer ignore the fact that society (as a whole) is starting to speak up.  Whether it is pro or con, voices are being raised, people are starting to be less fearful of judgment and indeed, fences are being torn down to some degree, isn't it?   I'm not also denying the fact that while there is a good bit of destroying going on, there is an equal amount of 'fences' still being erected.  I don't think we'll ever totally stop doing this, in fact I'm positive we won't.  I'm not living in la-la-land, my own personal Utopia, I want you folks to know this.  If this is a blog regarding fences coming down, I could as easily write the identical one about them going right back up.  I just chose to go the more positive route this time around. 

It's actually exciting I admit.  My inner rebel is doing a jig as it sees how things are changing day by day.  I read the news with awe and wonder, particularly recently, thinking back to that child who had no clue as to what sort of world she would end up occupying. damned.

I know I could write more but I think the whole ending with a 'bam, in your face, I successfully wrote about the topic given to me while making a great point,  plus was able to find relevant examples to support that point' is enough for now.  I'll be able to sleep peacefully.

Okay until next time my darling readers, ciao.

Oh, if you have something you'd like me to blog about, a topic, anything, feel free to leave a comment and I'll see what I can do. are banned for giving me a new topic for a few weeks at least.  I still heart you though. : ) 

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