Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 3 - Ramadan-ing

And the day looms ahead seeming very long.  It’s another dreary morning here in DC and last night the air was rented with nothing but thunder along with the sounds of torrential rain.  I briefly thought of those who may still have been out there and thanked Allah for having given me all that I have so I could stay dry and safe.

So today, on day 3, I've decided to write quickly about those reasons which exempt us from having to observe the fast.  As you know, nothing about my writing is ‘quick’ therefore don’t be counting on this to be a short read. 

As a child, I think I viewed Islam as a very rigid, tedious and difficult religion to follow.  The things we were required to do, multiple times a day, the tongue twisting language which it was (is) written in that was not of my own understanding, the night long prayers, and the fasting…all these things led me to believe that the rest of the religions around the globe had to be a bit easier to follow.  I had, in my more youthful silliness, wondered why I wasn't born as something else. 

Again and again though, as knowledge was imparted upon me, I came to realize that Islam best fits me; a religion which actually isn't meant to be inflexible to follow, not if you don’t make it so.  I admit enlightenment is a pretty cool thing.

One of the things I believed as a kid was that no matter what, one had to observe the fast.  It didn't strike me that there were a myriad of ailments and circumstances in this world that would prevent one from this particular undertaking.  But alas one learns, then learns some more.  So here they are the accepted reasons as to why a person doth not have to suffer from hunger.

1.)     God has bestowed upon woman the wonderful curse of having a monthly visitor.  Sure, even as I write this I’m wincing a bit.  This epic jinx hails back to the misdeed of Eve and I must say the punishment seems a bit severe to me since we are still, so many eons later, paying the price.  And boy what a number this particular curse has done, if you really think about it for it’s not just women who suffer, men as well.  Ask any guy who has to deal with a female as they traverse through the lovely world of PMS.  Not fun.  But yea, this is one excuse as to why the fairer sex does not have to fast.  It’s rational also.  Don’t make me have to spell out why it is there is no nice way of putting it so just go with it.  However that being said, it’s not like we’re excused forever, as in if you miss, you miss.  No indeed, one has to make it up before the next Ramadan.  Hey, you have a long time in which to do so; it’s not that big of a deal.  (Err…no really, it’s not).  Oh and guess what you men out there, this does NOT apply to you (rather stating the obvious here) so even if you act as if you’re PMS-ing, which some sure do, you can’t use it as an excuse.  Seems unfair?  Well would you switch sides with women, even for a minute and go through the pain and discomfort, never mind the whole ugly rest of it? Think about it.  No, right?  Okay then.

2.)    Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it’s Off to ______ we go.  Oh I know the lyrics to this song but I left it out simply because ‘work’ isn't appropriate in this reference.  Just because you’re working doesn't excuse you from the fast.  Sorry buddies, suck it up.  This of course means slugging through an endless day of watching other people eat, drink and be hydrated.  Oh the unfairness of it all!  But, if you’re traveling anywhere for less than 5 days, you can give it a rest.  Basically, if you have a bag packed and going great distances, no worries, you can make up your fast later.   Again proof that God is all knowing, correct?  I mean even the Big Dude is like ‘well that’s not reasonable, the persons going to be traveling, putting up with some physical discomfort and not even I know where they’ll be during the time of fast or whether they’ll have access to food…shoot I’ll just cut them some slack.”  Again may be not a verbatim quote from the Quran but that’s about right (I think).   You guys know I’m all about taking a bit of creative license.  It’s far more amusing and less hard to understand.  Okay, so moving on…

3.)    Oh, you’re pregnant, how nice…what’re you having?  Yea so if you got knocked up and are happily glowing away to infinity and beyond, guess what, you probably have to eat, or at least take meds.  In this case you can rest easy (or I bet uncomfortably from what I heard) with the assurance that after your bundle of joy makes his/her appearance; you have the chance for a do-over (ahem…of the fast *winks*).  It’s good because you’ll have to lose some weight anyhow right?  BTW, I hate those women who look like they haven’t gained an ounce through their pregnancy, its super annoying.  Bleh.  Sorry I digress.  Again, another example of how things in Islam are really just common sense.  You have to sustain the lil tyke that’s growing inside of you, which counts on you for sustenance and being healthy for it to do what it needs to do.  What I don’t get, and have never understood, are those women who insist upon still observing the fast even when there are dispensations.  It’s silly.  God has said its okay then who are you to negate it?  You ain’t actually gaining any brownie (mmmm…brownies…) points for this so quit hurting yourself as well as the baby.  This also applies to women nursing.

4.)    I’m always physically ill, what then?  Well this is an interesting one.  If you are sick, physically unable and if doing the fast would put your very life in danger, then you are not required to fast.  In fact, those who are infirm, too old or count on taking medicine every single day, these people are completely excused and no, they do not need to make up either.  So what do they do?  Well they feed one poor person for the whole month.  To break it down, if I can’t observe, then I will basically sponsor someone else for a day’s worth of food for every day I miss.  This too is nothing but fair.  And convenient as well if you ask me (which I’m assuming you are)

5.)    Oh, you’re off to fight the Huns?  Yes you soldiers you, guess what?  You don’t have to either.  Isn’t that handy?  I’m not sure though if you’ll have to make it up later, I guess my research hasn’t gone that far.

And you don’t have to start the act of fasting until after puberty.  Listen up kids, you just don’t know how good you got it, take your time in growing up, seriously, it ain’t all that it’s cracked up to be anyhow. 
A few things that you should refrain from during this month are:  eating (of course), drinking (well duh), vomiting on purpose (so you bulimics stop it) and sexual relations (no comment)…all these things at least during the times of the fast.  You should also refrain from the following:  violence, anger, envy, greed, lust, angry/sarcastic retorts, gossip and you’re supposed to be more kumbaya with your fellow human beings than you otherwise would be.  You don’t believe me regarding this list?  Check out wikki.  I have to say though; it seems like all the really good things are taken away from a person, doesn't it?  But the return is far greater…I mean heaven is a fairly good payout.

To summarize:  Life is important, the life that Allah bestows upon you.  And even though it seems like popular sentiment is that Islam is rigid and harsh, it is in fact quite the opposite.  These few rules above prove that Allah isn't out to make things problematic for us.  God isn’t some mean-spirited all-knowing damning entity who looks for ways of sending you to hell in a hand basket, in fact quite the opposite.  God, to me, is compassionate, loving and most of all, forgiving.   You have a problem; there is a way to get around it.  You need advice, trust me you can easily find it.  You need a bit of understanding and compassion also?  It’s all there in the Quran.  Just take a look see for yourself if you feel inclined.  If not, that’s cool, you can just believe me.

Alright, I’m off.  I think I did my share of doling out wisdom and ample information.  

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