Thursday, November 15, 2012

Does Petraeus Portray Us?

(Catchy title right?  I admit though that this blog has nothing to do with whether Petraeus does in fact portray us or not, I just wanted to use it.  Btw, I did try to find a way of showing the juxtaposition between his actions and general American mentality, whether or not he's a reflection upon us as a whole but no fail.  I'm not that deep I suppose.) 

Anyhow, since the elections I've been sitting around feeling a bit outta sorts.    No fliers to pick up on the front lawn, no calls to field at odd hours, no gaping at outrageous vicious ads on the tube wondering which advertising genius came up with them in the first place (this is pure sarcasm) and no avoiding answering doors to snot-nosed anxious happy way over-hyped volunteers.  Since then it's been eerily quiet really.  I know down near the Capitol, the building of stands for the inauguration is well under progress but I have no motivation to actually go down there to take a peek.  Things are generally hush here in my fair city and whereas prior to the elections I couldn't wait for the craziness to die down, for the last few days I've changed my mind.  I'm the sort of person who craves some sort of excitement if for no other purpose than for topics of blogging. 

So naturally I've been wondering, what next?  No drama?  No political intrigue?  Forget that we're about to be pushed off some fiscal cliff, been there, done that so tell me something new, something that I can really sink my teeth into (which reminds me, I really should visit the dentist *sigh*).  But nothing seemed to be stirring in the wind. 

Until...Ooooo General!

Okay now this is some serious intrigue.  Heck this is down right Hollywood movie material.  Anyone in the industry already writing a script?  Unauthorized I'm sure it will be but thing you're assured of in the movie is sex and scandal.  Bring it on I say. 

But in all seriousness folks, I have been this General who has quite the stellar service record, who has dedicated his life to protecting and defending our country...this gentleman resigned because an investigation revealed that he was having an...extramarital affair?   Ohhh-kay...err...Pardon me for not being more outraged and holding a pitchfork in my hand as well as gasping in shock.  May be I should?  Here's the thing though, I just can't seem to rev up my sense of outrage.  Because possibly, just possibly, the idea that a high ranking government official had an affair isn't all that shocking, huh?  Or equally so that the very thought of anyone in this world is indulging in an improper assignation outside of their marriage just doesn't seem to make me exhale in horror and want to swoon because my delicate sensibilities have been overcome?  May be many years ago as a young kid, sure.  But as an adult I would be ignorant to the brutal world around me and it's truths?  When did such a thing become so very 'unusual'?  Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's right nor defending the action, I'm just asking when the concept of it had suddenly become so foreign.  And when did it become 'resignation' worthy? 

Driving to work yesterday while scowling at traffic I was tuned into NPR where this whole scandal business was being discussed up, down and all around (as in all media) and I found myself rolling my eyes.  And now even Gen. John Allen is being drawn into this whole mess?  Wow.  20,000 to 30,000 pages of correspondence uncovered no less.  That's impressive if you ask me.  I fleetingly found myself curious to know more, possibly Google Image the faces attached to these now infamous names but then I found my self far more interested in not getting to work late (again). 

Although I do understand the public's salacious need for sexy gossip (this includes me, yes indeed) does it always have to get so darn out of hand?  I'm sorry but I don't think that Petraeus needed to resign (nor for that matter Allen's NATO nomination needs to be put on hold).  Do you think this guy regrets his affair?  Hell no people, of course not.  I mean okay sure I bet he just regrets having been caught and is embarrassed more than anything with a good dose of humiliation thrown into the mix.  Imagine how he felt when he tendered his resignation to the Pres.  Phew.  "Hi Sir, I need to um...quit cause well I um..."  How did that conversation go I wonder.   

Frankly, I rather feel sorry for his wife but otherwise, I just don't care about his private business as I do not think the rest of the Umrika should.  Here's what I do care about:  Had this affair affected his job?  Did he do any less of a good job then he had before due to it?  Was he any less dedicated in serving his country?  Was our national security at risk and are legit threats from the outside being pooh-pooh'ed because he was more intent upon boinking this woman?  If these questions are answered with a resounding 'no' then I say give the man his job back (if he wants it).  Let his wife punish him, leave him, take all his money, whatever, it's between them.  If she feels as if he deserves to be drawn and quartered for this, then I say 'go girl' but otherwise who are we to judge his performance and that too based on this alone?  Doesn't his record stand for itself?  What about his dedication and hard work?  No?  Doesn't matter?  Hmm....  

Sort of reminds me of the witch-hunt that the world went on during the Clinton/Lewinsky affair.  At least with the president, the man who does in fact is the representative of the United States to the rest of the world, I could understand that we would be a bit more worried but the main issue for that wasn't because he was canoodling with some intern, it was becausehe sorta kinda lied under oath ("I did not have sex with that woman") but admit it at the end of the day he turned out to be one well liked and respected SOB (affair notwithstanding).  Blue dress be damned.

Oh yea, wondering also why the government couldn't have just keep it quiet?  Was it really that important for us to know?  I fail to see how it really affected/affects us.  I heard there is some strict rule in the CIA governing some 'code of honor' or something?  What a joke.  Does that apply only when you get caught?  Do they do random 'cheat tests' for everyone, like drug tests?  As I said, it's just too bad that Petraeus was ousted.  How much do you want to bet that there are plenty of his counter-parts that are even right now at their computers hitting the delete button (FYI, stays in your servers for quite a while, no point in deleting Sweetpea)? 

For all that I wanted something interesting to be happening, this I guess could fit the bill but at the same time I feel slightly put-off.  Kind of makes me wonder, what sort of hypocritical know-it-alls are we?  Those same people sitting back in judgement of Petraeus are probably guilty of the same thing as well as thanking their lucky stars that the feds aren't sniffing them out.  Public humiliation is so not good.  And forget government officials alone...look around you and tell me if you don't know at least someone who has had or is having an affair.  Does that make them incompetent in their existence as a whole?  Bad people?  Sure may be their judgement is off but okay, that's between them and their consciousness (and God if they believe in a higher being).  But tell me, are they unable to do their jobs perfectly well?  How much would you be willing to wager that even those who you would never suspect ever to be indulging in a bit of side dalliances are right now just masterfully hiding it yet still able to function in society which includes performing their chosen carriers with aplomb?

I say leave the man alone, let's move on.  Give me something better.  Affairs are so last decade.  Just sayin'


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