Friday, April 26, 2013

Random Convos: "Honk!"

This was Staff Appreciation Week and like other companies, my firm is also "appreciating" us.  On Wednesday we were treated to cupcakes, on Thursday a pretty yummy breakfast consisting of an omelet station, fresh fruits and flaky croissants, and then today was pizza for lunch.  Hey, appreciate me as much as you like if it means free food.

Me, K and R (my girls at work) promptly all tromped down to the conference room at precisely 12:30pm to grab some food and sat with other colleagues at a conference table while enjoying hot Papa Johns.  It was pleasant enough but we craved sun, particularly K, so after finishing up pretty quickly we made a beeline for the great outdoors.  We ended up sunbathing (yes, because after all I so need to get tanned...not) while soaking up Vitamin D at the Navy Memorial which is but blocks away from the office, turning our faces up to the rays of the big ol' yellow globe up in the sky.  And as usual we chattered on about nothing in particular, our topics never staying stagnant, never un-amusing either.

But amongst all our conversations to date, today's was probably the oddest.  Somehow we got onto the topics of know...the waddling big overgrown birds that hiss and spit and will aggressively chase you down to peck at you even if your shadow so much as crosses their paths?  Yea, look at it  (scary, right?) ----> 

These things are a damn menace to society if you ask me and I'd be happy to see each and every single one of them roasted on a spit somewhere.  I thought though that this was just my POV but apparently I am in good company for both K and R also seemed equally passionate about their dislike for this particular breed of fowl. 

(Since I don't usually tape record the random conversations I have with folks as I'm having them, the below is as close to accurate as I can make it but the sentiments are just about right.) 

K:  In the neighborhood that I live in, they're everywhere.  The other day a bunch of cars waited while a line of geese crossed the street.  There was a male goose that sort of stood in the middle as it watched all the others crossing, keeping them safe I guess.  As if no one would dare to run it over!  *says she in equal parts of astonishment and outrage*  I mean, they're GEESE!  Why can't they FLY across the street?  You know they do this on purpose just to be annoying!

R:  Like it's thinking 'no, you do NOT want me on your tires!'  *she says with a 'don't you even think about it' look on her face*

Me:  Yea, it'll turn around, give you a look over its shoulder and go "HONK!"...which means "you WILL wait...WHAT?!?!"  *imagine me giving an example of it in an uber ghetto style*

We all proceeded to fall over laughing as we continued to make obnoxious honking sounds, vowing that from now on, we would honk at each other at every given opportunity that presented itself.  Considering how rife with humanity the immediate space about us was, I can't imagine how many people weren't wondering what the hell was wrong with the 3 of us.  Oh so many things many blessed, wonderful, awesome things. 

Since this afternoon, we also have now decided that a flock of geese guarding your house would be far more dangerous than any watch-dog.  No one, and we believe absolutely NO ONE will dare come within even a mile of your domicile if they believe that some crazed psychotic overgrown feathered menace was pacing the premises.  R did ask though in sort of pondering retrospect, "wouldn't they just fly away?"  I suggested little leashes on their scrawny necks while K said in pure exasperation, "no, cause they don't fly, they only do that during the winters when they go South, otherwise they stay put!"  We all nodded and hooted in response.

Seriously though, these sorts of random conversations totally make your day and are fodder for fun blogs (if you ask me). 

Honk, Honk folks, consider this a warning to the wise...stay away from them geese and TGIF!

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