Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Lil Sicky Me : (

Well folks, it's been a few days since I posted something and I'm getting a bit worried.  I don't want my little readership to dwindle away.  You know how much I love this blog and j'adore those of you who stop by!  But I do have a legit excuse as to why I've been slacking. 

You're truly has been sick. 

Okay, not like sick in the head or anything (although some could debate that fact) but more like the 'coughing, sneezing, body aches, temperature, feeling all around crappy' sorta one.  Actually this one is weird.  I'm not coughing, nor sneezing, I do have slight body aches but the temperature is always with me.  I don't get what the hell is going on, it's low-grade at best and annoying as hell.  

Saturday night we had (another) big family party (again), this time to celebrate my uncle and nieces birthdays.  I got all gussied up in a new sari (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sari) and floated (because honestly people shouldn't do anything other than float in a sari) to my aunts house in B'more (seriously, I'm always there, or at least it seems so *sigh*) while clutching a absolutely fantastic purple purse and cute lil strappy heels.  As expected the family ooh'ed and aah'ed over my appearance and god knows I was appreciative over the acknowledgement. 

But by 9pm, I was sitting next to my SIL and she sorta gave me this funny look as I was slumped on the sofa trying hard to maintain a smile.  She said that my eyes were 'too bright'.  I'm never sure I know what that means but I trusted her since my insides felt hot-ish.  I turned to her and said 'um...something's wrong.'  I honestly had to resist the urge to pass out but that would have so stolen the thunder from the birthday folks.  Instead I 'manned' up and spent the better part of the next two hours or so trying to focus on the convo at hand, which was no easy feat.  

Normally when I go to home to visit the fam, my bro, me, P and any one of my various amounts of cousins will go to the nearby 7-11 and chill out having coffee and gossiping.  This has been our routine for nearly 10 years now and it's the one part of going home that I do honestly look forward to (other than spending time with my parentals and eating yummy homemade food prepared by the loving hands of my mommy).  I think it's rather an unspoken agreement that no matter how late it is, we'll try to squeeze in this ritual but that night as I finally glared P into getting his butt off the sofa from the post-pig-out session everyone had indulged in less than an hour before, so we could head home, my mind was pretty much telling me 'you even think about it and you'll regret it'.  My bro even looked slightly perplexed when I told him we were going straight home.  With an 'okay, drive safe and take care' we were so outta there.

I honestly hoped that I wasn't really legit sick, that maybe it was the effects of so many people crammed into the house but nope, got home and yes indeedy the fever was making the most in my body nearly throwing a party as for the last two days I've been able to keep 0 in my stomach and resorted to working from home yesterday.  As a side bar, I read a study about how people worked less when they were 'telecommuting' but frankly I disagree with this.  Most likely because I don't have kids at home to distract me, I can seem to get more done.  Hell I put in 12 hours of work on a 'sick day' then I would have had I been in the office physically.

You may wonder how I am feeling now.  In one word: crap.  I don't know why I came to work today.  My eyes are blurry and the constant spiked temperature has embraced me but good so there is no escaping its clutches.  I think going home is the only remedy although I'm loathed to go out into this drizzle-y nasty weather.  Oh, oh, yes and thanks to this weather I believe I am sick in fact.  I mean with these up's and down's in weather patterns, one can't blame a body for finally succumbing.  Heck I know far too many people who are even now doing pretty much the same as I am, cursing fate and all illnesses in general.   

Anyhow, so there's my explanation.  I'm still trying hard to keep up with this blogging thing but boy o boy is it hard when all you want to do is sleep.  You know I gotta love y'all to be still typing now when the letters swim-eth before my eyes-eth!   : )

I promise more shall be posted later. 

**Here's another original drawing.  Um...in case you were wondering, that's a water bottle on the head, not a beret since I don’t tend to wear berets anyhow and that thing on the nose?  A nosering...heh.  Also if you couldn't figure it out, that's a thermometer sticking out of the mouth.  I said I could try to draw, not that I was good at it =\ 


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