Friday, April 12, 2013

One Raindrop and Everyone Goes Insane

Last night due to far too many nights of insomnia, I finally passed out at about 11:30pm which is odd for me.  My eyes opened at 7pm and the first thing I heard was the pattering of rain on the roof of my house.  P had already left for work so everything was quiet and still.  I closed my eyes again and snuggled deep into the comforter considering (again) to call out 'sick'.  Knowing this wasn't really going to fly I took a few moments to remain that way before tumbling out of bed. 

Is there anything better then being in a warm house, in your PJ's, in bed, under the covers, listening to rain while dozing on and off?  I think not my friend, I think not.  This has got to be a universal love affair if you ask me.  If someone here in the States loves it, someone in Thailand does too as well as India or Germany.  But the trick is that you do not have to go out in said rain, so as long as you are indoors (and that does not mean work) then you're good to go right?

About an hour later after a hasty shower and donning anything that came close to fingertip distance, as well as armed with coffee, I sat in my car glaring at the packed highway.  It was truly bumper-to-bumper.  As we already know I am not a morning person but this particular morning I was even more so not a morning person (precisely how many times did I just use the word 'morning'?).  Honestly I realize the weather does accurately reflect my mood to some extent.  When it's gloomy, I'm gloomy and when it's sunny, okay well I can still be gloomy but less so...I think. 

There was a point though, where there was a break in traffic and finally I was making headway.  However I couldn't help wondering why the congestion less then a quarter mile back.  Obviously there had been no accidents, no major obstructions, no construction, not even a huge converging of lanes yet I was hitting the brake one too many times.  I'm just sayin', if there's going to be traffic, shouldn't there be a reasonable explanation for it, such as "hey a helicopter made an emergency landing on the highway" (which BTW did happen to me and P when we were in Europe heading into Rome from Venice and I was driving...but that's another story).  This made me realize that VA/MD/DC folks just do not have any concept as to how the hell to drive in rain.  It's water damn it, it's not that tricky.  Slow your butts down a bit, be careful around corners, try not to hydroplane and keep going.  What's so difficult about that?

It's not just rain too, I wish it were.  No it's also any sort of inclement weather and this area seems to come to a screeching halt, people freak out, start running around in circles like a dog chasing it's tail.  Honestly it's about the most darn aggravating part of living around here.  And there are even dangers of sitting in traffic which refuses to move.  What's that you ask?  Well, you can turn to casually look at the car next to you and see some nasty dude digging for gold up his nostril. 


Yea, TGIF =\

(Ooh...original artwork by yours truly...didn't know I was so multi-talented, did ya?  Um...clearly my talent doesn't extend to being able to straighten the darn picture so please, tilt your head.  *smiles* )

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