Friday, October 19, 2012

FB Blog Past - 3

For those newly following my writing, this was something I posted a while back on FB.  Just to start I'm adding this, and a few others, here also.  For those who are on FB with me, you don't have to read this, most likely you've see it already and therefore you will fall asleep once you've read the first sentence. 

Note:  This blog does not really reflect the new turn that my blogs will be taking, a more desi prospective of living in the USA.  Then again, not all my future blogs will do that consistantly.  Anyhow, enjoy : )

October 8, 2012
Laziness is such a curse and clearly I have a terminal case of it. I probably can’t count all those things I’ve missed out on because of this particular disease although at the time the excuses I made seemed perfectly reasonable and rational. Stomach aches, foot aches, back aches, too cold, too hot, no body part nor weather pattern has been spared to be used as a ‘legitimate’ excuse in the past to achieve my goal in ultimately staying home and doing nada. Of course the other problem usually was that if I did manage to score the time inside my lovely abode, I wasn’t sitting and watching TV while snuggled under a comforter, no I was just stupid enough to be cooking, cleaning or completing some other task which I suppose ultimately doesn’t make me THAT lazy.

This weekend though none of my excuses seemed to be cutting it. P was bound and determined to haul my bootay to the city to partake in the “Taste of DC” festival. With a groan, a sigh and a peak out the window to eye the gloomy dank weather, I whined that I was still feeling a bit sick from the week before <insert pathetic wholly unbelievable cough here>. P looked as if he was sympathetic, patted me on the head and even offered to get me medicine and after I refused he leveled a smile at me and said in a bright upbeat voice, ‘okay we’ll leave in an hour then!’ I scowled at his back as he bound into the bathroom and closed the door firmly behind him. Conversation over. *sigh*

So about 2 hours later (cause of course which woman can actually get ready in an hour when it seems that the bed and her can’t easily be parted?) we’re parked in my work garage and joining the excited locals and tourists. I stared at their happy cheerful faces and had the overwhelming urge to smack them with a dead fish, mentally wondering what the hell there was to be so darn happy about. I quelled that particular feeling and trudged down the sidewalk towards the entrance. To top it off, we left our umbrellas in the car. Fantastic.

However, I’m glad to report that all in all it was a good time and I even ignored the wet steady drizzle that permeated our clothes and totally ruined my hair. But that was a small price to pay when the bounty before us was so tremendous and fulsome. People everywhere were in high spirits, music blaring over sound systems from all directions and helpful event staff with big smiles guiding the way. I have to admit I’m not big into crowds but this really wasn’t bad. Soon I was smiling and bopping long to the music and grinning while gripping P’s hand.

After consuming such delicacies as Pad Thai, Teriyaki Chicken, a slice of deep dish pizza, fried shrimp, corn on the cob dripping with butter, a chicken wing from Nando’s and two different desserts (at one point I was blissfully scarfing down a piping hot funnel cake and dancing in place in happiness so I knew I was happy), we were stuffed to the gills. Granted most of these things P had consumed much to my awe and shock while I nibbled but still, that was a heck of a lot of food and I wondered how we would make it back to the car. Luckily my new work place basically sits on Penn Ave so we took a breather in my office to get warm and use the restrooms (call me crazy but my idea of fun times does not include a trip to the port-a-potty).

Once home as night had long since descended, it was a blessed relief to be dry again but the euphoria from the day lingered. P at one point turned to me saying with a very smug smile ‘now aren’t you glad you moved your lazy butt off the bed?’ I wanted to sniff and tell him hell no but the truth was he was right, I was glad and he was right (darn it). So I very grudgingly nodded, threw him a dirty look and disappeared into the bathroom to towel dry my frizzed hair

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