Tuesday, March 26, 2013

How Do I Thank Thee, Let Me Count the Ways...

There are actually far too many ways but most would be unreasonable via net, some illegal and a few just pure wrong (I won't actually explain or give details as to what these things could possibly be, so quit wondering)  But, but, but...Let me just take a quick moment to thank those who follow this blog. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!

How can I possibly explain to you what your readership means to me?  Would you even believe my sincerity?  No but you should because the only way that I can appropriately convey my emotions is in fact through my words.  So here I go... 
It's funny because since I started to take pen to paper at the tender age of 10 or so, I knew that I had a passion for it...I just knew this even when I didn't know what to eat for lunch or what shirt matched with which pair of pants (I was a seriously clueless kid clearly).  I was also the weird kid with over-large geek-ish glasses who sat hunched over with a notebook held closely to her writing feverishly and looking around suspiciously to make sure that no one was close enough to peek. I had tons of these notebooks stacked up on a bookshelf in my bubblegum pink painted bedroom (go figure) until I scored my first typewriter at which point I took the painstaking time to type each of those handwritten pages out so that I could save them forever, carefully hole-punching them and hen placing those in a large binder which I hid in the back of my closet.  Then years later the computer was introduced to the world (and my household) so there I was again, retyping what I had already typed (and believe you me, I was slow).  I failed to realize though that those lil disks could easily become corrupt so many a good stories has long since been sacrificed to the 'unbacked up' computer gods.

Eventually though I wanted to share my genius (lol, okay I'm being super facetious here) with those I trusted so with trembling hands I handed over one or two chapters of a manuscript that I had been working on for a few years, to my best friend.  She was a smart cookie as well as brutally honest most of the time so I figured her opinion about how good/bad/ugly my writing was would make me grow as a writer and I could hone the skill that would may be one day be a career?  When she came back to say that I was actually good, funny even, I remember looking at her thinking "I didn't realize you were such a good liar".  She smacked me for that because clearly I must have uttered the words out loud as well.  Anyhoo... 

I have a confession though, I am very insecure about my writing.  The truth is that I can have everyone telling me that I write well, that my stories are this and that and the other but I am my biggest critic no doubt.  Often I will re-read something I wrote ages ago only to find myself wincing as well as wondering what brand of cheap crack had I been smoking that day when I decided to write those particular words.  To this moment as I sit here on the couch typing up this blog, I admit that the very idea that there is someone, anyone, out there in the world who would actually take the time out of their busy existence to read the words that I have written slightly astounds me.  After all people could be doing so many better things like reading a book by some fantastic well known author, stalking others on Facebook, watching porn, playing some violent video game that's probably making their eyes glaze over with their mouths hung open with a bit of drool seeping out at the edge...hey these are important things right?  Who am I to judge? 

Oh, I digress...so yea, I mean I saw the evidence, heard the words of encouragement but some part of my cranium rejected the praise to be false, even from those who I knew would be my toughest critics.  Starting this blog though has been very gratifying because at the end of the day, I'm not actually handing over a manuscript to a friend and demand that it be read.  No, this is the only forum where I can just put it out into the world and leave it to surfers to either click or not click, read or not read, ignore or fall in love with..and may be, just may be people actually like it?  Huh, wow and *jaw drops in astonishment*.

I'm glad to say that in a few short months, I have noted a steady growing readership and I am thrilled...let me repeat that again...THRILLED.  Doesn't matter in the least if it's one person every few weeks..that one person gives me reason enough to continue to write.  I couldn't write 'thank you' enough throughout this particular entry so get ready to see it a few more times before all is said and done. 

Total Bragging Moment:  Recently I discovered that I am being followed by folks in Russia, Ukraine, Germany, France, South Africa and China, not to mention the USA and India. 
My heart feels so full just by these few hits and I again thank you for taking a moment to read me. 

Tonight I'll probably sleep with a big grin on my face.  *sigh* 

Let me be a bit redundant again:  Thank you, from the depths of my soul...thank you each and every one of you!


Oh...P.S.  To my wonderful friends around the globe who celebrates Holi, here is wishing you a wonderful, colorful, fantastic, joyous Holi!!!! 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holi <----This is where you can learn about what it is if you so feel inclined. 


  1. here's another new avid reader, thanks for sharing

  2. your new avid reader eagerly awaits the next from you
