Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Flat-Line and Trying to Resuscitate

I know this will make a lot of your eyes twitch but I bet it caught your attention!


It's me again. Remember me? Remember? Ahem...maybe you can just like, click through some of the other blogs I wrote in the past to refresh? They're all listed on the right side of your screen. It'll only take you a few seconds (but I'm a bit verbose and long winded so possibly more than a few seconds). Regardless, I'm willing to wait...

So now that you can recall who I am and what I'm about...

This blog pretty much flat-lined now for a year. 

I was shocked today to log in and see that the last post was from 2018, 2019 having been completely ignored like a bald-headed middle-child. I had to take great stock in why I had let my writing lapse but other than sheer laziness, which has pretty much been my standard go-to excuse, I suppose I can come up with a few other less reasonable explanations.

First, let's just address laziness again though because it bears repeating. It's not just procrastination, a behavior that I have perfected, but overall "I don't want to move a muscle to bother" attitude. This is never a good thing and even at the ripe old age of (almost) 47, I have yet to know how to overcome. If I believed in new years resolutions, this would be one that I would promise, however, in knowing me only too well, it would be a setup for an epic fail. Maybe now it's just time to accept this as truth about my own character and find workarounds? 

A second, possible viable reason for the non-blogging, likely excuse has been life. The general business that comes with being a breathing adult has been taking up a lot of time. Work, social, xyz, have all come to play. I find it harder to come home after a day of staring at a computer, only to have to do it again and create something at least read-worthy. Laziness also plays a role here too. In retrospect though, I cannot continue life as an excuse because everyone is doing it and seems to be able to find a balance. Me? Not so much. 

Oh god, so much evolving and growing up to do.

Third, the political environment. Doesn't seem like this could even be a thing or moreover why is it a thing? If you do not know me well, know this: I am into politics. Good, bad, ugly, I take it all in and yes, it messes with my head. Anyone who lectures me about this is speaking to a brick wall. Frankly, I do not get those who pay zero attention to politics for most of the time, whatever is happening within government will impact me in some way. With the shit-show that is Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, who has time to indulge in anything other than wanting to disavow any allegiance to this country and instead find a small corner of the globe and just disappear? Truthfully this isn't what I want to do. He pisses me off enough that I am one of those picking up the phone, calling representatives, marching, raising my concerns and that...my dear friends, take time.

This last excuse actually isn't an excuse at all but legitimate and I'm not sorry for this one to be a reason as to keeping me away from anything. There are more things at stake here, real human lives being impacted by the orange menace in office who isn't just stupid, but dangerous. Whatever I can do to help get him out (preferably right into a jail cell), I'll do without any qualms and with a great sense of satisfaction. 

I want to be able to look at my nieces and nephews (along with all children) sometime in the future when they ask, "what did you do to save us?" and reply "everything I could."

My final thoughts? 

I'm back. I don't know for how long. I really do need someone who can hold me accountable but I also don't like to give this sort of responsibility to anyone else when I should be adult enough to get my own life, particularly an aspect of it which I legitimately adore.

Let's see how long this lasts. It's the holiday season so maybe I have things to say, observations to make. The 20s is coming to a close so I have at least a decade I can address. Maybe even speak to some changes that I have seen in me? I'm not sure if any of it will be of interest, whether I'll gain back any sort of readership but I'm going to give it a try.

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