Thursday, May 11, 2017

When You Have Nothing to Say, But Need to Talk

Once again, I’m seeking some sort of calm in this head of mine.  I’m back at my favorite local coffee shop that somehow always manages to inspire me, which I know is strange.  But the music is good, the ambiance chilled, the barista’s friendly and smiling (in fact looking at them now and they are laughing and relaxed) and the other patrons also seem to be at peace although who knows, really.  But I’m okay believing that they are.  I’m turning off the empath side to my nature and focusing on me.  That’s all I can do at this point in my life which even to me sounds selfish.  How can one simply turn off something they are born with?  I’ve never been able to before, and will probably not be able to totally successfully but I am sure going to give this a try.

I’ve been struggling hard, folks.  Everything has in fact turned into some version of struggling (life, job, relationships, etc…) and I’m hating this more than anything.  In the past I’ve faced life with a bit of an attitude.  A shrug, a grimace, a wave of the hand, stubbornness, and a range of other emotions that usually allowed me to tackle whatever I was facing with some sense of aplomb, even the toughest of scenarios, and I’ve had plenty. 

Now though?  Maybe it’s age.  Maybe it’s a lifetime of disappointments that leads me to a space where I feel overwhelmed, a word I loathe to use.  To be quite frank here, I can’t seem to breathe without wondering why I’m allowed to do such a thing with ease but then subsequently a pressure appears to weigh down on me while memories that haunt come back to laugh and jeer reminding me of things I want to forget.  I laugh and instantly wonder what gives me the right to do something that others probably earn while I remain untethered, not adding but taking away?  Am I being hard on myself?  Yea.  I know I am and I’ll be out of this funk soon but not today.  I’m having this moment to just…be.

This morning I woke up with a stone, no, more like a boulder, firmly placed on my chest and it completely suffocated me.  I didn’t know how to be rid of it but I needed to badly.  Praying?  No.  Reading?  No.  Taking myself out to breakfast so I wasn’t alone?  That didn’t work.  And not even writing now is helping.  That rock remains in place.  I can hear my own heartbeat and its discombobulating.  I don’t like this feeling and I can’t make anyone understand this particular sensation because I am not sure if others can/will or want to understand.  Why should they?  After all, we all are struggling, right?

But here’s the question that most haunts me: when is it okay to not think of the world’s struggles and focus on one’s own existence?  I don’t think I know how to do this.  For all my spouting off about being open to your own emotions and treating yourself kindly, I’ve never taken that advice.  I’ve never actually listened to myself.  It’s a hard realization to have, actually.  It’s not a gratifying one at all.   

It’s funny too, because as friend after friend seeks me out for advice or solace, I hear myself giving the right guidance but wonder why I never actually put all that into practice myself.  Is this the ultimate in hypocrisy?   Even today, as a friend spoke to me, guided me, I found myself making the same excuses as to why I couldn’t first take care of me before everyone else.   I find these justifications ineffective.  They make no sense at all and instead it almost sounds as if I’m craving this pain of sadness, loneliness, abject disconnect from everything and everyone around me.

Or that’s maybe what I want?  For a woman who has been far too ‘connected’ maybe disconnecting is the right step?  Maybe stepping fully back, putting up a ‘do not disturb’ sign across my life and proceeding to figure out who I really am is the correct path?  Or maybe doing what I’ve always done, something that always satisfied me, would help such as unselfishly giving of myself?  But that’s what may have led me to this point, possibly.  I wish I knew what the right answers were.  At the end, it doesn’t matter because I believe fate will take me at its will to where I’m supposed to be regardless of the fallout but it’s that very thing, the possibility of disappointing others that keeps me in place, motionless.

“Struggle”…It’s a funny word.  It can mean so many things.  It can bring to mind so many different ideas of what it can be.  I am not special with mine, that I know.  I have a story that’s buried deep beneath the skin, the veins, the blood and the optics, one that’s unique only to me.  I have to embrace this fact, I think.  I have to stop apologizing for being human and breaking down.  I have to stop feeling weak because I give into the tears that are constantly being blinked back only to be replaced with a smile that I do not at all feel.  I am a machine in so many ways because I laugh when I’m expected to as well.  But in reality?  I am a solitary; bizarrely serious person yet most think I am the opposite.  They find me to be open and friendly and warm.  I am.  But I am not.  Above it all, I am not the person who would burden others with my issues, I handle them quietly while I take on the de-burdening of my fellow human.  I want no one to see the real me because I believe her to be scary.  However, isn’t that what all of us do to some extent, hide our true selves?   

Anyhow, I’ll publish this blog unsure of what any of this was about.  Without a true topic.  Maybe the very topic itself is that I do not need to have one?  I’m simply living in this moment, a space devoid of light, even as the sun streams through the window and bathes my fingers and warms my skin.  My friend suggested I live in this moment and I’m taking his advice although he suggested I not write it, not because all this is too personal to share but rather because by writing I’m overthinking it all.  But this blog has been almost devoid of thinking, weirdly enough.  It’s just sort of verbal diarrhea in written form.    I want people to know that behind the biggest smile, there is pain, that behind every laugh there are tears right at the edges of the eyes and behind every person, there is a story.  I want my readers to know that if you’re alone in this dark world, try to find the inner calm and peace, something I’m trying so hard to find myself.    

That’s all for this blog.  I appreciate the readers who stop by to read my nonsense. 

And let me leave you with this silly hashtag:  #thestruggleisreal.

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