Tuesday, August 13, 2013

And I'm Back!

It's true.  I did not die of starvation (that would be nearly impossible).  Nor was I locked up for having mugged someone for their coffee (it was touch and go for a minute though I admit).  And I can confirm that I did not fall into a croc den.  I am back hail, healthy, a bit lighter in weight and yes, much energized.

Even though you may be relieved to see some activity once again in this blog, you're also probably sitting there thinking that I am nothing but a big old liar.  I promised a blog every day to record the day-2-day of what it is like to observe Ramadan and what did you get?  8 days of info and then static silence.  A lot of static silence.  Heck more silence than since before I started this blog, right?  Well call a spade a spade, I guess I was a liar however I must assure you that it was not because I intended to throw a teaser, a promise, out there only knowing I would renege.  No, no never.  I swear to you that the first few days, I blogged with purpose.  Wanting to impart upon you everything I could and indeed with a clear conscience.  Only thing I forgot was the pesky little fact that any small activity which involves the brain becomes 100x's more difficult during Ramadan.

Seriously, after day 8 it was all downhill from there.  It was as if all the energy leached right out of my body till I was nothing but a blob in my office chair, in the car going home or once home, in the kitchen.  You will be impressed to know that I would manage to gather enough strength in order to actually cook but that was about it.  After that exhaustion was the next step which faded into sleep.  I'm not kidding.  Yes, insomnia was still my best friend but my fingers were not cooperating.  The best I could do was sit and read or watch television like a zombie.  Actually I'm lying, I couldn't read.  The brain didn't process much at all much less words on paper. 

Now that I've made all the excuses I can and hopefully you have forgiven me to some extent, please please do, I can attempt to give you a rundown of all the going on since day 8.


I got tired.
Really, really tired.
I couldn't write.
I sat and stared off into space a lot.
I roused myself enough to make food.
I ate.
I threw up (yeah, something weird that happens to me after I break fast...I throw up...been happening for years, don't know why, don't ask for me to explain either).
I tried to focus on work.
I was unsuccessful on focusing on work.
I had a bigggggggggggggggggg Iftar party the second weekend into Ramadan and thought I would die from all that cooking.
The party was a total success, the food was a hit, I almost died but luckily survived.
I became a social outcast because I didn't have the energy to be a social...um...in-cast?
I packed everything and headed to the parentals to spend the last week of Ramadan with them.
I had tons of fun with the fam and helping my mommy.
My mom, friends, cousins and myself got soaked in a ridiculous rainstorm on Chand Raat (the night that the new moon is sited before the big holiday at the end of Ramadan).
Ate, ate and ate some more during and post Ramadan.
Came home and since then have been busy with preparations.
Am now breathlessly waiting for Thursday when I shall be off on a 7 day vacation to Seattle.

That is all that has happened to me.  Truthfully there is of course a lot more to say I suppose but at the end of the day it all boiled down to tons of praying, asking for forgiveness from God, appreciating ones family, friends and what one has and hopefully thinking of others.  There is also the fact that even now I'm tired and my fingers aren't totally cooperating as well as my brain.

And I admit, I'm easing back into the whole blogging thing.  The next two days I doubt I'll be doing much more until I'm in Seattle then I'll have more time.  Please stay tuned.  Don't forget me.

Please :(

I promise to not be such a bad blogger...promise...ahem...okay like really I'll try.


1 comment:

  1. Nice survival tactic! A thouroughly and uselessly useful blog that I was craving for the Ramadhan to get over and start to hog the blog! Well its a starter!
    For better "nutritious" blog to follow for the main course.
    Come and get it!
    OK! Tie up your pigtail and jijakta huwa sisakta huwa blog likh do!
