Thursday, April 25, 2013

Another Weather Blog =\

There is simply no better way of saying this:  The weather is screwed. 

And it's terrible that I have so many blasted posts on the weather, I mean how boring is that right?  It's literally up there in the same category of boring as when one finds themselves talking about the weather as a conversation filler.  You know, like when you're sitting with someone and all of the sudden silence descends and your mind goes blank, you shift uncomfortably, maybe cough, surreptitiously check your phone and then go "So!  This weather aye?  How crazy is it?"   This is about the same.  I wouldn't be surprised if one of you isn't looking at this post even now and saying to yourself 'Really?  Seriously?  You have nothing better to write about?'  My answer to you is: no.  I actually don't.  Not that I can't think up about 100 other more worthwhile topics but for the moment I'm just pissy about this weather.

Oh come ON!  I wrote not too long ago about how happy I was to see the sun and yada yada and blah blah blah and I swear to god I jinxed my own darn self.  Because for whatever reason the sun has decided to move away from the earth.  Uh...hello?  What the heck?  Away?  NO!  You're supposed to come closer...CLOSER!  Oh the injustice.  Who did this?  I mean who!?!? *looks around* 

Err...I mean okay let's break it in the beautiful mid-east coast area (of the USA)...we have a cold spell that's killing our vegetation.  To the north of us, the cold is even worse with records amount of low temps.  To the south of us we have tornado's and flooding which are literally washing or blowing away lives.  Somewhere in the middle part of this vast land the poor folks are being dumped with snow and all the way to the west they're trying to copy our fall.  Let's not even talk about the earthquakes, the tsunami's, avalanches and pouring rains all over the globe...I shall not even go there.

I recently wrote a status message on FB bemoaning the coldness and a friend of mine was complaining about how her lil trees was unnecessarily being harmed.  This is so not fair.  I mean, what the heck did those lil things do to anyone huh?  And she is also the reason I decided to do a bit more complaining about the weather (no matter how boring and tiresome and redundant I'm sounding).  At least I know others share my sentiments. 

Okay, it is now two days since I started this blog and I will say (with a great deal of reservation) that my nemesis (yes the weather is now going to be referred to in this way) has started to behave somewhat.  Last night I went out with an old friend and we had a chance to sit outside and enjoy the soft breezes and do some people watching.  I even got away with tromping around outdoors without a winter coat (although admittedly I had a suit jacket and a thin cotton scarf tied around my neck).  This is improvement I believe however due to my normal 'glass is half empty' mentality and also because every blasted time I've written about how beautiful and gorgeous and sublime and blah blah blah it is outside, I've immedately been smacked upside the head by Mother Nature and have been told to 'STFU, don't count your chickens before them embriyos become...," (you get it right) I'm still very leery.  Today I had to still wear a light jacket to work but at least earmuffs, gloves and heavy wool scarves were left at home, mind you not stowed away, just left at home.  They sit at the foot of my bed waiting in anticipation and I believe a bit smug and gleeful that they have reigned for so long as the predominant articles of clothing that I can not walk out of the house sans.  Very irritating I must say.

BTW, is there some sort of dance, chant, prayer, burning of something that will help speed up the weather recovery?  Anyone have any ideas?  I'm thinking about some sort of summer solstice voodoo ritual where I dance around a fire like Betty White from the movie The Proposal.  That is about one of the best scenes ever.  Check it out: 

Anyhow if you see an improvement, you may immediately contact me and thank me because it will be due to my chanting and shaking of bootay that the general atmosphere has vastly improved all around this wonderful earth of ours. 

One last community service message:  Keep our planet clean!  Go hug yourself a tree and enjoy a few flowers here and there.  Hop into a car with one of your buddies and think twice before throwing plastic hither and yon.  Remember, these bizarre weather patterns aren't cropping up because Mother Nature is tired of doing her job.  We gotta take responsibility. 

Recycle, replenish, revive our world : )

Note:  Still due to fear of copyright infringement I hesitate in uploading pics that were not taken or created by me which is why you see these silly lil drawings.  These are originals :D 

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