Thursday, February 28, 2013

Dropping the Blog Ball

Funny thing about blogging is, it's rather up and down.  Sometimes it's all about writing down every thought, every feeling, every memory one can and shoot it off into cyberspace in the hopes that someone will read it and find it interesting.  Other times it's a blank page that stares at you for hours and no matter how much shuffling through thoughts you do, you can not seem to come up with even one single blessed topic to bang out. 

I actually don't have either situations going on. 

As you've read in my prior post, life (read that as work) has picked up.  I have been residing in what I think is my own personal lil space in hell which consists of smiling but mean ass individuals who are looking to catch any little mistake I could/can possibly make in order to reaffirm in their pea-sized legal head that the reason they don't like me is justified.  The fact that I'm on to them they don't know so they can look all they want, I'll just gloat until I do actually eff-up, which I'm liable to do since you know...I'm human. 

Here's the down low of what's been happening.  I was brought to this place where I am to support a fairly busy team who came from a firm that had basically imploded due to financial reasons.  My present firm took them on and let's just say that the new folks 'mentality' isn't quiet a fit with the firms but hey this is business right?  Things were nice and slow for a bit as the new ones got settled and turned the poor admin folks here upside down with their demands.  Now they're nice enough people (the new ones) ...may their personal lives...but work wise?  Phew.  Let's just leave it there.

Then about 2 weeks ago another group was brought in from another firm.  Guess who was assigned to them?  Anyhow suffice it to say time has been a precious commodity for me.  Working hard I have no problem with, working like a...oh well you know...that I'm not really all that big a fan of this anymore seeing as how I did years upon years of crazy billable hours always worried and never seeing the sun sometimes.  I thought may be this would be a bit better.  Um, yea not so much.

So now you know why I've been missing in action and that this is my blog down as opposed to up.

Rest assured I haven't forgotten about my beloved blog and that I indeed long for those days when blogging never was put on the back burner but alas so goes life.  I plan to return in full strength soon.  I have to still post chapter 2 of the short story and find other equally random memories that need sharing.  I'll get on that as soon as I can.

For now, please don't give up on me or my blog, I promise a better post will be coming soon and I equally promise that it won't be another bitter diatribe.  Please, please, please come back and read. 

<3 you all

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